Sunday, July 19, 2009

Label Tulip, part 2

We just got back from a wonderful weekend at the beach! The weather couldn't have been more perfect! I could have stayed for days...

In the above post, I shared my Label Tulip challenge page, to scrap the most exciting thing you've done. Well, the challenge is posted on the Label Tulip site now. Check it out HERE. There's a great RAK involved. You can participate in the challenge without even using the kits, so give it a try!

Here are my last two projects from the July kit. The first is a fun card I made using Basic Grey and Prima. Aren't these colors the best?

This next one is the card I made to go along with this month's member lift. We lifted a beautiful page by Amy Coose.

I decided to create a card from it. I love how you can get ideas for cards from layouts and vice versa. I decided to use flowers for the circles and I cut the BG transparency/journaling tag in half.

I also added glitter to the MM wooden letters.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks so much for stopping by!


Ingrid said...

Gorgeous projects, Anabelle. I really LOVE your cards. You're such an inspiration. ♥

Andrea Amu said...

Love these, Anabelle! That bird turned out so cute and cool way that you cut and added the transparent tag on the 2nd card!

ellen s. said...

this is such a great way to start my monday morning! the layout about the feet is totally fun. and the cards are gorgeous...the details are amazing

cnelson said...

I'm amazed as always! your skills are so impressive!

Elizabeth said...

Your projects rock!!! Your work is gorgeous too! You are sure to win that RAK!!

Have a really great week!

Jane said...

in LOVE with these projects!!!!! Gorgeous!!!!

Rita S. said...

Love all the elements on your cards - so pretty!

Rebecca Keppel said...

Absolutely gorgeous layout and cards!

Julie Overby said...

What a fun layout!! And of course, I adore your cards. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Those colors ARE the best! So are your projects! Stunning!

(-: Heidi

Wendy Kwok said...

Lovely projects, Anabelle! Love them.

Kimberly said...

Feet Issues is a beautiful layout.