Friday, April 3, 2009

Rainy Friday

Well, it's rainy today. But, you know what that means? April showers bring....FLOWERS! More specifically? Tulips! Yes, the word is out out.
Here's my exciting news:

I was asked to join the Label Tulip team. I'm so excited! I've been a longtime lurker in their gallery and I LOVE the kits. So, it will be great getting to play with them each month. I've got April's kit already and it's awesome! Look for some sneak peeks soon.

Just a quick one to share today. This is my project for Emma's this week. Our challenge was to use the frosted bags for something. I made a little Easter Basket set.

I mostly used BG Porcelain on here. The felt pieces are Martha Stewart. Definitly check out the Emma's Blog for some SUPER cute projects!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day!


  1. Congrats Anabelle! I so love your "Bunny Bag."

  2. It's pouring here too. Ugggh! Love your beautiful spring designs! That bag is especially stunning! Congrats on your new DT position!

  3. COngratulations, Anabelle!! You SOOO deserve it!

  4. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. You are so talented and I'm glad to be able to see even more of your amazing work. Be happy about the rain. It's a blizzard here. But I have faith that spring is day. Then there will be tulips for me too. Until then I'll just have to watch for the new "tulip" and her new designs. Best of luck!

  5. gorgeous work Anabelle! Congrats on the DT position! they are very lucky to have you!

  6. Wow... congrats! Love love your bunny bag

  7. oh the card and bag are so perfect for Easter. Love the cut out work you did on the card!

  8. These are beautiful! What a wonderful idea for Easter treats.

    Congrats on the new DT!

  9. I'm so excited for lucky girl!!!! HUGE Congrats, Anabelle!!

    Your Easter projects are so cute. I'm off to make some lil' baskets for a party tonight. Love your inspiration. Thanks once again!

  10. Enjoy your new dt! I love your work.

  11. Awe, those are so sweet...I just want to touch them!!

  12. OH Yea!!! Congrats on ur new DT post w/ Label Tulip!

  13. I'm sure you were just busting to share your good news! Congratulations!! I love your work and enjoy seeing your projects! Blessings!

  14. Congratulations on your new DT! They are blessed to have you :) Love your Easter projects!


  15. Anabelle, these are adorable! Congratulations - your talent shines with each piece you design. All lovely!

  16. Congrats on the new DT position Anabelle! Not that it's a surprise. All of your work is soo amazing! Love the textures on this project.. The felt gives me the warm fuzzies! xxD


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)