Saturday, April 4, 2009

44 on 4/4!!!

Four is my favorite number, so I guess today is my lucky day! 44 years ago today, I entered the world. ;) I woke up to some white tulips, my favorite flowers, and some great gifts - a Paper Trey gift certificate, a Sephora gift certificate and Breaking Dawn on CD. My wonderful hubby did a great job! Of course, the links I emailed him certainly helped with his shopping. Hee hee. Seriously, he never knows what to get me, so my 'hints' are always appreciated!!

Here are a couple of things I finished this morning. I was at Michael's the other day and picked up these stickers and rubons by Autumn leaves. I LOVE the colors. I started off with a couple of quick tags...

The Hambly paper is a really pretty shade of lime. For some reason it doesn't look quite right in the picture. I also used some fun SEI glittered cardstock.

This card uses the same products. It's based on this week's 2 Sketches 4 You. I almost didn't get it done on time, but I did!!! I turned the sketch and substituted flowers for the circles in the cluster. Also used my new EK Success punch. LOVE it!

Well, that's all for today. Off to celebrate my day with the people I love most. And tonight? We're watching the Final Four. Go Wildcats!!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy Birthday Anabelle. You have no idea who I am but I think that your blog is adorable. I check it every time you post.

    Hope that you have a blessed day.

    Mandy Smith
    Chillicothe, MO

  2. Wishing you the happiest of all birthdays.

  3. Happy Birthday! I'm new to your blog, but LOVE your creations since you started posting in PTI gallery!

  4. I came to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!

  5. Happy Birthday beautiful lady!
    I hope your day is the BEST EVER!
    Gorgeous creations -- super delicious eye candy! :D

    Enjoy your day...
    hope you get spoiled!!

  6. Happy Birthday!!

    Lovely work on your blog!!!


  7. I just love your creations today! I have some papers from that line and haven't used them yet, but I think I'll pull them out now!

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope its a great day!!

  9. Happy Birthday! I hope your day continues with wonderful surprises and surrounded by those you love - speaking of love - I looove that card you did for us. That black is just so striking.
    Have an awesome 44th

  10. Happy birthday!!!!! Beautiful projects as always!!! Hope you have a great day!

  11. Happ Birthday Anabelle! Hope you enjoy your weekend! :)

  12. Happy Birthday, Anabelle! You got spoilt by your men. ;-) Have a wonderful day!! Your cards are always.


  13. Happy Birthday to you, Anabelle!!
    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  14. happy happy birthday anabelle! hope you are enjoying your special day! love your gorgeous work too ;)

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I'm so glad it started off so well for you!! I hope the rest of the day has been perfect as well! Amazing creations as always! You never cease to be a source of inspiration!

  16. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a grand day. Today is the only day of the year you can claim as your very own!

    BTW, I will be the same age this year!

  17. Happy Birthday! I hope your entire day was as great as it started. Way to go hubby! Love your creations!

  18. Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like a great start to a day! :) (Yay for hubby...and dropped hints.) ;)
    Beautiful cards!

  19. wishing you the happiest birthday ever my friend! i, too, am an april baby...giggle! sounds like your hints were perfect ;) LOVE to you sweet Anabelle!

  20. Happy Birthday Annabelle! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  21. Sending my wishes for a wonderful birthday. Hoping you are treated like a queen.

  22. `Beautiful` craetions..
    `Happy Belated B`day Annabelle` Hope you had a lovely Day:)♥

  23. ohhh these are so fabulous and so you! Love the designs! Happy birthday to you! I hope it was a great one!

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Annabelle!! One part of this I don't get...what do you mean 44? I think you wanted to say definitely look like 34!

    Have a wonderful day with those who love you!

  25. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like a super lucky..and fun day for you!

  26. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Anabelle! May your year be as sweet and amazing as you are! LOVE your cards... and CONGRATS on Label Tulip... they are VERY LUCKY to have you on their team!
    Amy Tara

  27. Belated Happy Birthday! *huggies*

  28. Hi,
    Happy Belated Birthday Wishes!!!
    I want to send you an email with a couple of questions, but do not see a link for your email, could you please email me, when you get a chance?

  29. Hope you have a wonderful day today!!

  30. I hope your birthday was moxie fab, Anabelle!


  31. happy belated birthday! i saw the post at CMK and wanted to stop by!!!

  32. Sounds like you had a perfect birthday (except for the final 4 outcome). I'm an MSU fan myself but we already know how that went in the finals. BooHoo! Fabulous creations! DId DH use your tags on the 'prises he got you? xxD


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)