Monday, April 20, 2009

Label Tulip2 and CPS

What a gorgeous weekend we had. It was perfect...mid 70s, no humidity and lots of sunshine. We played outside for hours! I even started some weeding, ugh. But, it wasn't so bad given how nice it was. Today? Not so much. We're back to rain and it's only about 49. Oh well. I guess that's spring for ya'.

Today I have the rest of my Label Tulip projects to share with you. I saved my favorites for last. This first page is of Ryan and my friend's DD. They've know each other since birth. They truly crack each other up. I created the background paper using Hambly rubons. The paper is Sassafrass and the trim is Prima. I painted the chipboard and stickers and added the glitter.

This card was made with the stamp that came in the add on kit. LOVE it. I already have a bunch of other ideas for how I want to use it.

And then there's this one. Are these the cutest pictures EVER or what??? Ryan's class hatched chicks, so we had to go and take pictures one day after school. I used some Pink Paislee and Lilly Bee papers on here. The rubons are all PP and I hand stitched the heart.

This next card is based on this week's CPS sketch. Too fun! I felt like doing some nice bright colors. I used Me and My Big Ideas papers and stickers on here along with a Maya Road sheer and Papertrey stamp.

Finally, I'm excited to share that I was invited to join Zva Creative's team. Holy Moly, if you LOVE crystals as much as I do, you have to check them out. As you know, I put crystals or flowers on just about everything I do, so I'm really excited to be working with them. You'll be seeing lots of their products on pages and cards soon. ;)

That's it for now. Be sure to stop by later in the week for a fun giveaway!
Thanks for visiting!!


  1. Love the scrapbook layouts! They're so full of life. I really like the hand-stitched heart. It added a punch of color and a great effect. You're so inspirational!

  2. BEAUTIFUL projects! Love the stitched heart on the LO!! :)

  3. Gorgeous projects! The teal and yellow combo on the first two is stunning!

  4. Awesome l/o's and cards!! Beautiful Annabelle!!

  5. I just LOVE all that you have such an AMAZING style!

  6. wow! Just fabulous!!!!

  7. What great projects, Anabelle! Amazing products and SOOO loving what you did with that CPS sketch.

  8. Your work is always so beautiful and so inspiring, Anabelle! I don't know how you do it!
    And congrats on the new creative team gig!

  9. wow I love all the detail work on your cards and you use Hambly beautifully! I think I'm Hambly challenged so its great to see this!!

  10. Wow, Anabelle! You are ONE BUSY CRAFTER! I love your work: the card you did for the CPS sketch offering is fabulous and your blog is beautiful, too! Amazing stuff!

  11. AWESOME pages Anabelle! Love the bon voyage card too... right up my alley! Have a great day! Amy Tara

  12. great card!

    and congrats on being a creative team member!!

  13. Gorgeous designs as always! And huge congrats on the Zva team. I can't wait to see all the bling!

  14. your cards are bright and bold.. so my style.. I love them! I've been busy making cards this week too.. come and scroll down my blog! hugs bonnierose in Fargo

  15. Gorgeous creations Annabelle & congratulations on the new design team position :)

  16. So, so, so very pretty! Love the bright teal blue. Just gorgeous Anabelle!

    So glad you are enjoying some nice weather. Awesome!

  17. Your art work never ceases to amaze me! Every thing is just gorgeous!

  18. Love all the bling, so pretty. What beautiful pieces of art you create. Just opened the Scrapbook Trends magazine at Scrapper's Edge (lss) where I work and I saw your work displayed. Again... beautiful!! God bless.
    PS Congrats on the DT

  19. Gorgeous projects as always, Anabelle! My favourite is the just hatched layout!!

  20. This card is gorgeous! Wow, I've never heard of this company before, but they are a perfect fit for you! Congrats!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)