Friday, April 17, 2009

Label Tulip Projects

I had so much fun making my projects this month! The April kit is to die for!! Check it out HERE. Cathy puts together just the right mix of papers and goodies.

This first project uses a picture of Ryan that I've had for a while. I've been seeing this face more and more lately. Ugh. Just had to create a page about it.

This next one was our Member Lift for the month. I lifted the talented Anna Sigga. You can see her layout along with what the team did HERE.

I peeled off the back of the chipboard and added glitter to it. It holds the glitter wonderfully.

I'll leave you with this last card. I used PP paper and chipboard, a Hambly rubon and Prima pearl swirl.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm heading outside to plant some herbs!
Have a great day. ;)


  1. i love the pearls on the card! it is really subtle and gorgeous. beautiful layouts and love the glitter on the cb

  2. Gorgeous detail, Annabelle. I love the color combo on that card!

  3. Exquisite l/o and card Annabelle! Beautiful!!

  4. Beautiful layouts!! I love the colors you put together.

  5. created some gorgeous projects with the kit. Great job!! I already look forward to next month's kit creations.

  6. Beautiful! That's SOLD ME! I am going to have to buy a kit from LT!

  7. Such beautiful pages, Annabelle! So excited you're now on the Label Tulip team!

  8. Great idea with the glitter on the adhesive side! Love the layout. Thanks for the close up shots that really showcase the beautiful details. You outdid yourself!!

  9. gorgeous work!!!! I just love the details on each page!

  10. I love all your creations! I knew you would make some fabulous things!!

  11. Hi Anabelle! I've not dropped in for a while, so I've had lots of catching up to do looking at all your amazing work! Such stunning creations.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Wow Anabelle! Those do look like some amazing products! I so love how you put that first layout together.

  13. Beautiful projects, Anabelle! I think you are a wonderful addition to the Label Tulip team!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)