Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do What You Love...

Well, craft day at school was a huge success! Twenty three houses have been made and wrapped up to go home. Twenty three mice ornaments, reindeer ornaments and foam picture frames will be going home, too. All of the work and prep were worth it. The kids had a great time!

I took a little break from Christmas preparations today to do a card. I have been wanting to pull out my Amy Butler K and Company stuff for a while and finally got to use them. I made this card based on Laura's sketch 15 at 2 Sketches 4 You.

I used some GCD Studios paper along with the Amy Butler papers, rubons, chipboard and brad. Love that sentiment. I've been thinking about doing some 'rearranging' in my life and that quote has been resonating in my head. ;)

Tomorrow is the concert at school. Ryan is sooo excited. I can't wait. Pre-school was really great, but I'm loving all of the elementary school rituals so far this year. We're going to be those dorky parents sitting there with the camera, camcorder and Grandma waving at our little cherub on the stage. Haa haa!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. OMG! This is beautiful... love this card, the colors and specially the button in the middle of the flower...HUGS...SK :)

  2. What a gorgeous card!!! I so love your style

  3. Oh Anabelle this is so beautiful! Thank you for playing it is always a treat to see your work:)
    Have fun at the concert!

  4. Lovely card. Always is and will be a fan of your cards. Such great balance and details. Amazing!

  5. Another stunning creation! I love those papers and really love what you've done with them!

  6. Wow, gorgeous card !!!
    I love how you used the paper.
    And that Quote is great !
    I wanne keep it in my mind !

  7. I really like this card and that little button is just awesome!


  8. OOOh! This blog design looks familiar! Great minds think alike, lol! Loved your page in MM this month. I am so thrilled for your success!

  9. Just gorgeous Annabelle! Love the soft colors. And how fabulous that you are able to share your love of crafting with the kids. I'm sure the parents, teachers, and kids themselves so appreciate all of your hard work. You really follow this quote, don't you? xxD

  10. Beautiful!! Have a wonderful time at the concert!! marry christmas!! Char

  11. wow that is just lovely!!

  12. Your card is just wonderful and wow does that beautiful brad fit in perfectly! Congrats on surviving your crafting day and it sounds like they had fun!

  13. Beautiful colors, and I love the bling! :D

  14. Pretty imagination!!!

  15. Always a treat for us to stop by. You are amazing and your projects are simply wonderful. Merry Christmas!! :)

  16. Oh Annabelle, this is gorgeous!! LOVE that fabric covered button~so sweet!

    Merry Christmas!

  17. You are so talented! I love the color combinations!

  18. Wonderful! Sounds like you are having a terrific Christmas Season.

  19. This is beautiful Anabelle! I miss seeing your fab stuff each week at CPS!!! :(

  20. Annabelle, thank you so much for the lovely comment that you left on my blog, I really appreciate it. To answer your question yes I did hand bead the bauble; quite relaxing to do but a bit of a strain on the eyes!
    As always your card is beautiful! Your creations are always stunning and also so inspiring to see.
    Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas,
    Sarah x

  21. Your work is fabulous! Love this card! Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog.

  22. fab card, love the colours

  23. SO beautiful, Anabelle! I love Amy Butler's stuff!

  24. bsolutly `beautiful` Amy Butlers designs..
    Enjoy the Concert!!!
    `Merry Christmas` to you and yours:)~X~


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)