Tuesday, December 16, 2008

9 Days to Go

Things are getting quite hectic! I'm planning a big craft day in Ryan's classroom, so that is taking up a lot of my time. My girlfriend and I prepped 27 milk carton gingerbread houses that the kids will be decorating. That, and about 5 trips to AC Moore has me pretty tired. I supposed Strep and a sinus infection have something to do with it.

I posted a fun project at the MMM blog today. Here is the sneak peek.

You can see the rest of it here.

Here is the project I did this week for Emma's. I made this little gift set to hold some candy that I'll give one of Ryan's teachers.

That's it for today! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I always love to see your little projects Anabelle. They always make me smile. Your card is beautiful. I, too, LOVE everything vintage, especially sheet music. Thanks for sharing your goodies! Also, I've been meaning to tell you that I met Joe Biden when he was here a few months ago. Even got him to sign my copy of his book for me so I have a personalized copy now. It was one of the most exciting moments ever!
    Happy Holidays!
    Amy Tara

  2. It's no fun to be sick so close to Christmas! It seems like were so busy it makes it twice as hard! Hope you feel better soon!! Wonderful creations !! Have a good day!! Char

  3. Love the projects! Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Beautiful creations...and good luck with the Gingerbread Mania! Hope you are feeling better! I have all of my decorating done, all my gifts ready, and all of my cards sent! Now I can take a deep breath and relax!

  5. *So* pretty! I love the colors & that vintage Santa :)

  6. i raise my cup of tea to you too Anabelle, seems like we could start a sympathy train.....sickies unite!...giggle. Your projects are absolutely BEYOND as always. can't wait to see a pic of the gingerbread houses, sounds like an amazing project to be had for sure!
    hugs & so much love my friend,

  7. Girl - I absolutely LOVE your projects. All of them. So beautiful! And I love the gift items you made for Emma's.

    27 Milk Cartons! OH MY! Santa should be leaving you something extra special under the tree this year!!! Don't forget to take your camera! Those kids are soooo lucky! I know that teacher sure is and probably knows it.

  8. Annabelle, so sorry to hear you've been ill. Certainly no fun ever but especially at this time of the year. Looks like your creativity hasn't suffered a bit though. Beautiful projects as always. Hugs, D

  9. Sorry you aren't feeling well. I think the stress of getting everything done seems to get our immune systems down, I feel a bug coming on as well. Your projects are stunning as always! =)

  10. What gorgeous projects!!

    We just did the milk carton houses too. I'm right there with ya....9 more days! LOL!

    I do hope you are feeling really well soon!

    Merry Christmas.

  11. I love the blue and red here. Your cards and creations are just wonderful. I love the vintage feel and well...you need to share the recipe for your Peppermint Bark!

  12. Gorgeous!!
    I love those projects, Anabelle!

  13. Oh wow beautiful creation! Merry Christmas:)

  14. I just saw your cute card over at MM right before I came here. VERY cute project!! I scored some old music sheets a few weeks back at the thrift store and I can't wait to use them. They are almost too pretty to cut up though!

  15. Anabelle, I LOVE this! Have fun planning all those craft projects - doing holiday crafts with my students was one of my FAVORITE things about being a teacher!! :) Happy Holidays!! :)

  16. I just love the little gift set with the candy canes! It's so creative and cute, the colors are perfect!!! Going to check out MM!!!

  17. My goodness your creations are just STUNNING Anabelle! I adore each little thing you put into your work. The fine details...wow. Amazing. :D Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us all!!

    Hope you have a very Merry Merry!

  18. Beautiful projects! I just love that santa image you used!! Adorable!



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