Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Winding Down

Yesterday's weather was gorgeous! Breezy and sunny - such a perfect combination. And I think it was about 75 degrees out. It's starting to feel like summer is winding down. Ryan has been asking when we can go see the scarecrows at Linvilla, so I guess he's starting to feel like Fall will be here soon.

I feel like such a bad blogger lately. I just haven't been able to spend the time visiting all of my favorite blogs and leave comments. Things are calming down in my life a bit now, so I'm going to get back in the swing of it. :) To start off, I have been tagged. First by Christine (who tagged me a while ago...sorry) and now by Cris So, here goes. They both have incredible projects highlighting their facts. Me? This is as good as it gets.....

1. My great, great, great, great (you get the idea...it was a lOOOONg time ago) grandfather was the president of Mexico.

2. I could live on warm, salty chips and salsa. And wash them down with margaritas!

3. I love reading cooking magazines.

4. I recycle everything I can. I even brought two bags of trash home with me from vacation because the place we stayed didn't have recycling bins.

5. I HATE to clean, but love to organize.

6. I'm obsessive about talking to my mom a couple of times a day. If I don't hear from her I start to get nervous. I've been known to call the neighbors to check on her. (But, in my defense, this only started after my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. I'm so worried the same thing will happen to her...)

So, there you go... :) Now, here are the people I'm tagging. No pressure, of course!

If you do decide to play along, here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is posted on your blog.

So, here are a couple of new cards. This first one uses some amazing Paper Company papers. The gold paper is embossed and the white paper has a beaded pattern all over it. This card was so easy to make. I just cut some of the embossed paper out and added the stickers.

This next card uses a couple of my favorite things at the moment....KI Lace cardstock and felt. I love these K and Co. felt stickers.

Well, that's all for today. Thanks for stopping by


  1. Prez of Mexico! Get out!! That is soooo cool. You kill me bringing home those bags of trash. Your great, great, great, great, grandpa would have never heard of it!!

    Beautiful cards. I'll have to check out those Paper Company papers.
    Oh- and thanks for the tag. I think.

  2. Ooooh...pretty cards!

    Loved reading the facts about you, and "thanks" for tagging me. I will get to it at some point..tee hee!

    Have a great day!

  3. Gorgeous cards. The felt butterfly is fantastic !

    Funny I hate to clean too but love to organize :-)

    Thank you for tagging me I know I sound kinda silly but I'm honored to be tagged by you (yea you can laugh it's ok). I have posted 6 random facts about me on my blog.

    Have a great day

  4. he-he - so this is what they mean when they say "this is what friends are for"???? Oh well, I'll see what I can come up with! LOVING that cut out flower. I have had those papers for years and never thought to cut out the flowers! Great look!

  5. what was the name of you great great..... grandfather? I would like to know, since I am from Mexico.

    Love your creations, beautiful as always!! ;)

  6. Love those gorgeous cards! That embossed paper is especially beautiful. Wow, loved reading those random facts - how awesome are you to bring home the recycling with you?! Love that! Thanks for the tag girl!! :-)

  7. I saw The Paper Company’s specialty paper at CHA and fell in love. That beaded paper is really cool and it looks fabulous on your card!! I'm with you and your little one -- I am SO ready for Fall. I want pumpkins on my front steps, sweaters in my closet, and a little nip in the air. Chat with you later. ~BRANDY

  8. Oh my! Look at these darling cards---LOVE that Paper Co. stuff--and I just can't help by be happy after seeing the second--so sweet.
    Hope you're having a great day today.

  9. That's so COOL he was the PRESIDENT!! WOW!!

    Love reading your facts!! :)

    Your cards are beautiful Miss Anabelle!! LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Beautiful beautiful cards! Love your facts!

  11. Love the Bright Day card...bright fun and cheery!!!

  12. Such sweet cards, Anabelle! Love that little felt butterfly. It's so fun learning more about you. :)

  13. I love your cards. I, too, talk to my mom a couple of times a day. El presidente de Mexico, de veras? Pues, claro que si, no se como yo no pensaba del eso. How incredibly awesome.

    hugs & love!

  14. No need to apologize, Annabelle! I just love reading about you and getting to know a little more about you! ;-D Those are such neat things you've listed, too...president of Mexico? Wow!!!

    Ooooh!!!! I love seeing your new projects...I can't help but drool whenever you have eye candy posted! I love the KI paper lace too (I never want to use it up! LOL!). GORGEOUS cards, my friend!

  15. Lovely creations as usual and I too am ready for cooler weather, scarecrows and pumpkins! C.

  16. Anabelle your cards are so pretty! The embossed paper is beautiful. Love reading these fun facts about you! President of Mexico, huh? It's nice to have friends who have (had) relatives in high places! So glad you can play along...xoxo

  17. What cool facts and you *know* I love those cards!!

  18. Anabelle - I did my post regarding you tagging me - read about it here,

  19. Thanks for tagging me Anabelle! Here's the link to my post...


    Hope you have a great day, Chickie!!

  20. I would also like to know which Mexican Prez. That's amazing!

    I'm just like you when it comes to recycling! So funny. I thought I was the only one that takes recycling home...my recyling per week WAY out weighs my regular garbage. We were at my parent's house in New Mexico last week. It pained me to see recyclables thrown away. Luckily, my sister from Albuquerque was visiting too. She always packs up my parent's recycling and takes it home.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)