Saturday, August 16, 2008

I've been spending some much needed time organizing and cleaning out my scraproom. Boy, is that a job! I don't have a really big space, so when I received some new stuff this week, I had to find room for it! Anyway, I decided to do some RAKs over the next couple of weeks. Today's giveaway is a couple of stamp sets from Kitchen Sink Stamps They have some really fun sets. Here are the two that I have for this RAK. This first one is a 3step set. You layer the stamps to get this cool 3D affect.

And this next set makes some really cute flowers.

Leave a comment by Sunday at midnight and I will post a winner on Monday.

So, here are a couple of new things. This card is my CPS card of the week. I used Inque Boutique stamps on it.

And here is a gift box and card set that I made for Emma's this month. I used lots of MM Noteworthy on here along with KI lace cardstock. The box will hold a gift card.

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a cool RAK-and those stamps look so cool-I'm going to have to check them out myself :)

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous work Anabelle... always so well put together and inspiring....Love your new avatar at CMK, BTW!! ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  3. love the gift set, the pops of orange are so fun

  4. These are both so beautiful, you rock. ;) No need to enter me :0)

  5. I totally love the Love card ! I may have to lift that one since I'm always in trouble when it comes to cards.

    have a great weekend !

  6. I love the thank you card! You always make the greatest cards.

  7. wow, gorgeous cards!!!! the stamps look awesome!

  8. WOMAN!!!!!!!!! Can I just have only the talent in your linky finger???? Even that would be enough for me!! Always such good eye candy over here! ANd LOVE the stamps!

  9. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's "pinky" finger....not "linky" finger! Yah... I'm a nerd... I own it. LOL

  10. Wow I love these two cards...esp the color of the second one!! Beautiful work!!!

  11. What a fabulous RAK ... and such great cards ... I really love the orange.

  12. Thoughful RAK. You cards are always so beautiful! Thanks for inspiring!

  13. Those stamps look DELICIOUS!!!!
    AWESOME rak!!!!
    Trace G

  14. Great RAK. The stamps are really cute. I love your blog.


  15. those are really cute! thanks for sharing! have a great weekend! -Melinda

  16. Beautiful cards!! And those stamps are fantastic, definitely have to check them out! :)

  17. What cool looking stamps.

    I love those cards. They are really pretty and the layering and detail is just awesome!

  18. Beautiful work.. I love the box with a gift card!!!

  19. Lovely cards... and cuite GC box... what a great idea...

  20. oh cute work.. please enter me... for the loely stamps!!

  21. Cute cards! I love the box with the lace paper on the top! Very fun way to decorate a card box! Very fun stamps, too!!!! Thanks!

  22. Absolutely beautiful gift set!!! what a generous chance you are giving us in addition to your fabulous inspiration!!!


  23. Hi Anabelle, such amazing creations to inspire us today! Always a pleasure to see your work. Thank you too for your generous RAK!

  24. Anabelle, I'm not commenting for the RAK, (although your prizes are wonderful and you are very generous!); I just wanted to say how much I ADORE your CPS card and that lovely stationary set you made for Emma's! Is that Q&Co. felt on the tp of the box? It's so pretty! I love visiting your blog..xoxo

  25. what a really cool set of layering stamps! awesome cards too!

  26. What a gorgeous card and beautiful gift box! Love it! The stamps look so beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. Those stamps are so cool! I'm headed over to get some right NOW!

  28. Wonderful, vibrant colors in your cards! Cool stamp sets in your give-away.

  29. Hello Anabelle, I too was organizing my stamp/scrap room today, I had a friend come over and help, we enjoyed each others company and just loved looking at all the goodies I forgot I had. Those stamps are awesome, they will be on my wishlist for sure. Have a great day!

  30. The cards are gorgeous - such wonderful inspiration.

  31. Love those cards! And those stamps look amazing!!! :)

  32. Wow - those stamps look amazing!! Love your projects as well!

  33. Hey missy...I just wanted to tell you that I love the cards you posted!! They are gorgeous!

    I actually have these stamp sets, so don't put my name in the drawing. Just wanted to comment on your cards!!


  34. Just got back from vacation. Ah what a needed time away, but catching up on reading all my favorite blogs is going to take some time.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. Your blog always provides such great inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. Love these projects you've created Annabelle...always beautiful your work.

    PS: I'm in Australia, so not sure if I count towards the RAK but they're great little stamps anyway!

  37. Love the orange card. It is so beautiful!!!!! Thanks for this lovely RAK Annabelle, so nice to have a change to win.
    Bye Irene from the Netherlands

  38. Very cool stamps and so nice of you to do a giveaway!
    Love the cards!


  39. What fab work :-) and what a lovely RAK - please pick me!

    Thank you for the inspiration

  40. I love visiting your blog. Thanks so much! Lisa K in TX

  41. Wow, those cards are awesome, Anabelle, and I really love that gift card box - what a unique and awesome idea! I'm so with you on the needing to clear space out - my room is way too crowded these days!!

  42. lovely RAK-love all the layering that I am seeing!

  43. YummmmmmY! I would love to open my snailbox to those!
    The stamps are gorgeous too.
    Have a beautiful week & thanks for the opportunity to win!

  44. Love the Stamps.. What a cool idea.
    I also love the cards you make. So

  45. I am not commenting for the RAK I just wanted to say how beautiful your projects are

  46. Stunning work as usual Anabelle. I am a cereal stalker. Always looking for new inspiration from you.


  47. Your cards are beautiful Anabelle!!! No joke - you inspire like NONE other! :) Hope you have a wonderful week ~Leslie

  48. Holy Moly woman! I love everything you do! I wanna be president of the Anabelle fan club!! Very cool stamps!

  49. Congrats on your win! I know how excited you must be!! Love all your cards and your LO's are beautiful!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)