Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday Morning Giveaway

It's Monday!! I had a pretty good weekend and was able to get a good bit of scrapping done because Ryan was sick. Poor little guy was running a fever for most of the weekend. :( All he wanted to do was lay around. So, while Fran worked on his paper, I worked on some projects.

Last week on the CPS blog, we had a wonderful sponsor - Gina K Designs. Here is the card I did using her stamps.

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The picture really doesn't do it justice. I made it on a transparency. I stamped the image and added color with markers. The snowflakes are punched from vellum and I added glitter with a glitter gel pen. It's really sparkly IRL!

When Gina sent us our stamps, they were on a large red rubber sheet. There were a couple of each image and she invited us to give away the extras. So that's what I'm doing this morning! Here is my little RAK...

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You will receive a set of 7 of Gina's stamps. (I've already cut them out for you.) You'll also get a set of acrylic blocks to use them with. You can check out examples of cards using these stamps on the CPS blog . We used them for Sketch 38. Be sure to scroll all the way down to the November 4th post to see all of the cards. ;) All you need to do to win is check out Gina's site and leave a comment here saying which one of her sets is your favorite. You have until midnight on Wednesday, November 14. I'll draw a name from all of the comments.

Thanks for playing and have a great Monday!!!


Anonymous said...

If I actually have to pick a favorite---I would pick Simple Pleasures, but but there are several other sets that are tied for second. I love all of the samples using the stamps.
Linda Peterson

Anonymous said...

I like the festive labels ... so many fun options.

Cathy M said...

Count me in on your sweet giveaway. I love all GinaK's stamp sets. I guess if I have to pick one. It would be the Festive Labels, cuz of all the things you can do with them and the waterproof labels are awesome.
Thanks for a chance.

Elizabeth R. said...

I like the Let is Snow and the Festive labels.
Cute card!! You are so good at them.
And very nice of you to share!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you directed me to GinaK's site... I LOVE the Festive Label set... I'm a sucker for frames, especially circles! {By the way, LOVE your beautiful work!} ;) ~rae

Heather said...

I like several but the new Text Message set is perfect for tweens and teens and I think they are a hard demo to make cards for! PS you also have a very nice blog!

Claudette said...
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Anonymous said...

There's a few...but I'll pick the North Pole one! All too cute!!!

chksngr said...

That card is so super cool!! I love the vellum snoflakes on the clear card! What an amazing idea!

I like the Festive Labels set...I LOVE how versatile they are!

Anonymous said...

So many cute stamps!! It's a toss up between North Pole and Let It Snow. I'm a huge sucker when it comes to snowmen! :)

Mary C. said...

I love the Whimsical Valentine. I think I am going to order a set. Your card is adorable. I think I feel a lift coming on. I had never visited the CPS site. Going to try and link it on my blog.

Danielle Holsapple said...

Happy Harvest and Down on the Farm are my favs! But really they are all stickin' cute!

LisaW said...

I love the Giga Oval Scalloped Frames & Doodles. What a great idea to incorporate a stamp to fit inside those punches.

I also thought the car phone one was real cute.

Suzy said...

I would pick the spirit of Christmas... I love the little reindeer!
Fun Rak!

Bev said...

I love the Sandy Claws set. I think it is a howl!!! Thanks for the blog candy!!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'd have to say the J'adore is my favorite. :)

Anonymous said...

I love all of Gina K.'s stamps, so it's difficult to choose one. I guess I would have to say Sandy Claws is Coming to Town. I just LOVE Sandy Claws and the penguin, the sign...all of it!
Adair Svoboda

Mary said...

I just love GinaK's stamps but my favorite, and I know it's gone, is Haunting Halloween. It depics all that we should think about at Halloween. Having fun and looking after the children.
Mary Arnold

Christi said...

How fun! I was wandering around Gina's site the other day after seeing the cute cards on CPS. I love the Festive Labels and Punchy Words sets! This snowman one is darling too!! smiles...

Anonymous said...

cute, fun stamps!! Your card is gorgeous, I love that it's done on a transparency!

My fave has got to be the Festive Labels - they are so versatile.... my next fave would hav eto be the North Pole set, cause I love Christmas and snow!

Jessica said...

Wow, very cool blog candy! My fav stamp set is the Down on the Farm. I think that's super cute.

Thanks for the great chance to win!

Peggy Maier said...

Aaaack! Too many to choose from! I'll just close my eyes & choose... festive labels! Looks like a set you could use a lot for gifts. Thanks for sharing!

Ellie said...

Well I love Poultry in Motion I think those stamps are too cute! lol.My B-day is Wednesday ;)so who know many I'll get lucky hehehehe


Rita said...

What a cute card, I luv those snowflakes & the snowman! There are so many that I like, but if I had to pick just 1 right now it would be "Got Snow?". I luv it!!! Thanks for the chance at blog candy. I luv Gina K Designs& have one of her stamp for a cause sets.

Tee said...

The most fav set has got to be the Sandy the penguin..
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!!

Jolene said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love Poultry in Motion. There's nothing funnier than a smartie-pants chicken. Your transparency card is pretty!

Jen said...

What a fun giveaway! I think my favorite is "Got Snow?" It is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! This is Emily from Create My Keepsake and I saw your RAK! I loved all her stamps but I think my fav is Down on the Farm! I love that little piggie and my DD has just started riding horses so these would be a cute touch!

Angel said...

Spirit of Christmas would have to be the one I would choose!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to choose, there are lots of great stamp sets. One of my favorites is Festive Labels ... Thanks for the chance to win some of Gina's stamps.

Reality Show Reject said...

I love Let it Snow! Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda SS said...

Hard choice - Love them all! But I'll go with North Pole because it's so cute for this time of year. THANK you - you and Gina are so generous:)

Brenda H. said...

Thanks for sharing, and for this chance to win! I love Gina K's "Got Snow?" stamp set.
~Brenda H.

Momsnack said...

I think Simple Pleasures is very versatile. Enjoying your blog.
NancyS (momsnack)

Cheryl KVD said...

OMG!!! I"ve been wanting some of Gina's stamps for a long time now. This would make a great birthday gift for me, as my birthday is on Nov. 24. I love the new Festive Labels set!! Thanks!
Cheryl KVD

Darlene said...

Hi there...thanks for the link to GinaK's stamps.

My fave is Sandy Claus!

Anonymous said...

Of course she has so many cute sets, my favorite is festive labels. I can see so many cute uses in my head with that stamp set. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful blog candy with us all. -Samantha

Anonymous said...

I love let it snow but as folks said they are all great!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could afford to buy every single stamp that GinaK has created as they are all so adorable. (except the toilet, I'm not crazy about that one although the captions are pretty cute:) I like Down on the Farm the best because nobody makes cuter farm animals than Gina. Thanks for the blog candy!

Tricia said...

I like Simple Pleasures... but the ones with the crab are cute too!!

Suzanne said...

Definitely Santa Claws is Coming to Town! Being from EASTERN NC, we don't get a bunch of snow BUT we have PLENTY of crabs!

Amy said...

I like the Happy Harvest set the best, but they're all great!

CreativeMish said...

Its hard to decide! i'm going to say... Just Beclause! It looks like a fun one!!

Allison Rankin said...

I ordered three sets (plus the free one) when she reopened her store. I think I like the Punchy Words set the best (which is why I had to order three sets!). Cheers!

Anonymous said...

ohhh I love Gina K. and my fav set is the Text Messages set...that phone is TOOOOOOOO cute! I love love love it...thanks for the oppertunity to win some goodies!


michelle sturgeon said...

I love Let it Snow.
Awesome giveaway!

Pegg S said...

She has many great sets! I have to say Sandy Claws is the cutest or Just Be-Claws. So cute!

Betsy V said...

Ohhh! Fun stamps! I think the Festive Labels set is my favorite.

Laurie said...

I may need to order "Poultry in Motion" !

Val said...

There are so many wonderful sets that it's hard to just chose one. I think the Festive Labels is one of the most versatile sets. Simple Pleasures is another favourite.

Cheryl said...

I like festive labels, and also the puzzle pieces set.

Anonymous said...

I really like the festive labels, but lots of great sets!
Amy Egger

MelissaS said...

I have to say I like the Sandy Claws is Coming to Town because it's so original! Thanks for a chance at your sweet giveaway :)

Cindy Vernon said...

I think Festive Labels rocks!

Debbie H said...

My favorite set by far is the Thanksgiving set. We blow by the fall too fast, and it's my favorite season!

Debbie Harris

Lilian said...

i LOVE gina k stamps! my favorite is down on the farm. especially the pig... so so adorable. :)

thank you for the chance to win some of her stamps!

Sunnymommie said...

cute , fun stamps....

this is sweet giveaway..:):):):):)

Pat S. said...

WOW! What a great give-away!

My favorite Gina K. stamp set is Festive Labels...what variety in just one set!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Whimsical valentine is so sweet - love it!

Amy said...

That is a tough one. I like Got Snow?, but all of them are so cute!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

I love the festive Lalbels! TFS! :)

Candes said...

The carolyn King Collection #1

deelong said...

There all so cute! Hard to choose one. Got snow is a favorite because...Tis the season :)

Michele McHenry said...

I adore the "Festive Labels". I have a ton of stamps that I can use with these stamps and for other things as well...very versitile bunch! Thanks for a great blog that is right down my alley.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anabelle--thanks for this great RAK opportunity! I think I like the "Got Snow?" set..but they are all adorable!!!

Good luck to everyone--and thanks again for your generosity!

Julie L.

Schmicky's World said...

Lets see now if perhaps only one stands out, (yeah right?), then I will go for the North Pole Thanks for the oppurtiunity.