Saturday, August 1, 2015

Gossamer Blue August Projects

It can't be August 1st! The summer is going way to quickly. I don't want it to end yet. We have had a wonderful time traveling and making memories.  I just got back from a wonderful week in the Outer Banks. I love it there so much. Luckily, Gossamer Blue's August kits are filled with amazing summery goodness. I had a ball creating with them and still have a bunch more that I want to do using them.

The kits go on sale today, so be sure to head over and grab your's . You won't be disappointed! Here are a couple of projects that I made using them.


I loved this Simple Stories paper and wanted it to be the focus of my page, along with the photo. So, I added a couple of embellishments and called it a day. I love how it totally captured the 'Maui' feeling!

This next page is one about Ryan. I loved the Life's Pages card and used it to document his 'currents'. The 'he' die cut originally said 'she'. I just cut off the s. Love how it turned out.

Be sure to head over to Gossamer Blue to see the amazing DT Gallery this month and to check out the kits!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)