Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gossamer Blue March Spreads

 Gossamer Blue March kits are live! As usual, they are amazing. If you love pink, you'll love these kits. They are filled with Pink Paislee, Pinkfresh Studio, My Mind's Eye, and of course, lots o Gossamer Blue exclusives.

Here are my spreads for the month. I am still pretty far behind, these photos are from last October. I am pretty sure that once I finish up 2014, I'll be doing 2015 differently. Trying to capture something for every week has bogged me down. I think I will be selecting different topics and documenting the stories that go with them, rather than trying to capture it all.  We'll see how it works out.

On this first spread, I stuck with pinks, black and white.

I decided that I wanted to do a 6 by 8 page to document our camping trip with friends. Layering some of the LP cards, along with the photo, helped this page come together quite easily.

Sticking with the pinks, I added in more green on this spread. Love the gold in the kits, so I used some as an accent here.

Be sure to stop back on the 15th. The Gossamer Blue team will be doing our monthly blog hop. I'll have more projects to share with you then! 

Thanks for visiting. :)

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