Monday, February 9, 2015

Means So Much

As some of you may remember, I was a part of the Season's Givings blog hop. The winner of my giveaway was Connie Gregoire. Connie told me that she's been a long time follower. I was so glad that I got to 'meet' her after all of this time. (It made me wonder how many others are out there reading this little blog. I check my stats, but of course that doesn't connect the person with the visit.) I love that we were able to connect this way!

Anyway, I sent off her prize package and in return I received the most beautiful thank you note. I had to share it!

Isn't that stamping amazing? And look at the woodgrain background. I am so inspired!

Thank you, Connie for the beautiful card and kind words. It is now displayed in my scraproom. So glad we got the chance to get to know each other a bit. :)


  1. Thanks Annabelle for the kind words - wish I could take total credit for this design - I cased it from someone but searched and can't find it now!!! I just loved their project because it was so perfect for me living in Maine!!! Thanks again for the prize package!

  2. Cute card! I live in Huntington, NY and I know you are originally from around here because I think there was a page about the Walt Whitman mall once. I went to Countrywood/Memorial/Whitman...graduated in 1984.

    I'm a long time fan of your scrapbooking style! :)


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)