Monday, September 1, 2014

Gossamer Blue September Kits

Gossamer Blue September kits are live! If you like gold, you'll love this month's kits. Check them out:

Here is the main kit.

And here is the Life's Pages kit. They are filled with great colors!

I had so much fun creating this month. Here are the two spreads I made using the kits...

This one is bright and colorful. I created a little pocket on the bottom right hand card. Then, I stitched two cards together to create some hidden journaling.

I decided to go with soft colors and black and white pictures on this one. I love Add On 3 each month. Peppermint Grandberg designs the cards and they are amazing. These were perfecct paired with Crate's Notes and Things goodies.

Be sure to stop by the Gossamer Blue gallery. There is so much inspiration there!

1 comment:

  1. As always Im in love Anabelle! Your work is so bright and the designs are wonderful!! You are my inspiration !


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)