Friday, August 1, 2014

Gossamer Blue August Spreads

It's August. I'm not very happy about that. Summer is not allowed to pass this quickly! I have to go back to work in 3 weeks. Nope, not happy at all.

I'll tell you what I AM happy about, though. That I will be returning to the Gossamer Blue DT this year! So thankful that I get to work with all of the new goodies that GB is now manufacturing. Have you seen the new lines? Here's some peeks at my favorite- Gramercy Road. You can check out the Gossamer Blue blog to see more of this line, as well as the other two lines.

Another thing that I'm really happy about are the Gossamer Blue August kits. They are awesome! Definitely one of my faves so far. Here's my spreads for this month...

On this one, I decided to use a full sized photo. I love my blooming Astilbes. Since my spreads are 6 by 8, I like to journal about our week on tags and tuck them behind photos.

 This page shows Fran and his torn muscle. He was in a bike accident. It's been about a month now and still doesn't feel 100%. This page also shows my nail polish addiction that I've acquired this summer.

This spread hightlights the fun colors in the kit this month. I love those script words and had to use them a couple of times. I decided to make a big vellum pocket on the right side. I stitched the vellum over the card stock and dumped in a bunch of sequins. 

I made a pocket from one of the cards and journaled on another which I tucked inside.

Be sure to stop over to the GB site and check out the other amazing projects.
Thanks for visiting today. :0

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