Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June Gossamer Blue Spreads

As you know, I've been doing Project Life for the past year or so. I use 6 by 8 albums and really love this size. Usually, I dedicate one spread per week. That's typically what I need. But, this month I worked with my pictures from our Sanibel trip. I decided that I needed more space to share to story of our vacation. The June Gossamer Blue kits were perfect for these spreads! I ended up doing THREE spreads for the trip. It felt great to break out of my self imposed mold and use the space that I needed to tell the story.

 I love all of the Chic Tags goodies that came in the kits and used a lot of them on my spreads.

I tired to keep this page simple. I love the white cards and added small embellishments to them.

How cute is that little heart/arrow clip? I love it!

 And this page shows my favorite photo of Ryan. My friend Tom took the picture on the Lighthouse Beach at Sanibel.

That's about it today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. :)


  1. Looks like a dream vacation Anabelle! Your photos are beautiful and you have made such delicuious looking 'spreads'. This is my kinda pocket scrapping :-) Take care!!

  2. In italy we say "stupendo"!!

  3. Looks great! You always do such awesome work!!


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