Friday, April 11, 2014

Gossamer Blue April Projects

Well, my wonderful spring break is over. Boo. And I'm back at work. But, at least the weather is getting better. That always puts me in a great mood. I am hoping to put my winter clothes away for good sometime very soon.

Gossamer Blue's April kits are now live. They are filled with bright, fun colors and really awesome PL cards. Here are my spreads for this month...


 On this one, I printed my photo on a 4 by 6 card. then  I added some journaling on my two 3 by 4 cards and sewed them to the top, creating flip up pocket. I slid the photo into the page protector and left the flaps outside so they could be lifted up. This is a great way to be able to extend my 6 by 8 pages.

I love the rainbow card. It says "it's not always sunshine and rainbows." This was the perfect card for the story of Fran's emergency surgery.

I added more journaling on the tag I tucked behind the photo.
Here is my second spread...

Again, I added some hidden journaling. I used the ribbon to create a tab on the journaled card and tucked it behind the date card. The kits came with some sweet wood pieces. I added some Prima chalk ink tot he one on this card.

Couldn't resist a card dedicated to one of my favorite Trader Joe Meals - sweet potato gnocchi with brown butter and sage sauce.

Well, that's about all for today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic colors and great designing Anabelle as always :-) Don't you just lOVE Trader Joes? :-)


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