Monday, February 3, 2014

Gossamer Blue and Elle's Studio Blog Hop

Hi and welcome to my stop on the Gossamer Blue/Elle's Studio blog hop. This month's GB kits were packed with beautiful Elle's Studio goodies. I used a lot of the Love You More line for my Life's Pages spread this month. As you can see, although it is a love/Valentine's line, it worked perfectly for my week in January.
I love the sweet styles on the cards. For the card on the top right, I cut one of the smaller labels and stitched the sides. I topped it with a chipboard envelope and a piece of flair then slid my journaling tag in behind it.
 Lori, the owner of Gossamer Blue, really has an amazing way of coordinating products. I love the Pebbles chipboard pieces that she included this month. They worked perfectly with the Elle's Studio goodies.
Below is the list of participants. There will definitely be lots of inspiration along the way.
Don't forget to stop by the Elle's Studio blog and the Gossamer Blue Blog Each company is giving away some great prizes. Leave a comment there telling us what inspired you along the hop to be entered!
Adrienne Alvis-
Anabelle O'Malley- (You are here...)
Juliana Michaels 
Thanks so much for stopping by and happy hopping!



  1. This is so pretty, Anabelle!! Love the colors!

  2. Beautiful! Love love the flair and I am totally smitten with the use of the veneers!

  3. Very pretty! I never would have thought to record my time at the gym!

  4. lol! the hearts on the gym card caught my attention because I hate gym hehehe :D

  5. Great lay out! Love the pic of the kettle ball featured on such a soft coloured colour scheme - great contrast. Caught my eye right away!

  6. Love all the details on this...♥

  7. The colors in this are amazing. I am just drawn in because of the amazing color combo! Love!

  8. I love the stitching on your PL cards! It adds that perfect bit of special!!

  9. Lovely pages! I used to go to the gym - never thought of taking pictures!

  10. beautiful cards. I really have gotten into making cards lately. great ideas

  11. Very cute, love the colors!!! ♥

  12. Love the vibrant colours in your layout :)

  13. I really have gotten into making cards lately. great ideas

  14. gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)