Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ringing In 2014

For the past few years, our family has spent New Year's Eve in Philadelphia ringing in the New Year. We stay at a hotel, go out to dinner and spend January 1st watching the classic Philadelphia Mummer's Parade. If you don't know what the Mummer's are, think a cross between the performers in Carnavale, Liberace and Mardi Gras. The bands get all kinds of dressed up and perform to various themes. It's a lot of fun.

My niece, Kate, and I decided that we love the light up glasses that the vendors sell. So each year, we buy them. Here we are in 2012:

And 2013...

And this year, 2014...

My husband thinks we are crazy, but its a lot of fun. What you can't tell from the pics is that the glasses have small colored lights I that that flash. LOL!

Anyway, I figured it was about time that I documented our New Year's glasses. Here is the page that I made using this year's pic.

I used a lot of goodies from a couple of my favorite lines - Heidi Swapp and Jenni Bowlin.  Aren't those ribbon corners fun? They are from Dear Lizzy and might be one of my new faves.
What fun New Year traditions do you have?
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. :)


  1. What a gorgeous lay-out for that wonderful photo! I love your glasses :)

  2. Your layout is so lovely! I love the colors you used and the way the year anchors the left side and the photo just shines in the top right. It's really very sweet and sazzy at the same time - perfect for celebrating the new year! BTW, any more my husband is already asleep by midnight, so this year I did this wonderful blog hop...all night long! Robin

  3. Girl totally LOVING this layout! Fabulous page!

  4. Love the blue, white and silver design! Fun photos!

  5. What a fun tradition!!! I love those glasses, I think they are fun!!! And what a great page to document it!!


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