Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pink Paislee GDT Layouts

Can you believe it? I am actually posting twice this week. And I've already scheduled a blog hop post for Thursday - so that will make three! I'm on a roll.

A couple of weeks ago, I was featured on the Pink Paislee blog as a guest designer. I love Pink Paislee. Rebecca and Barry are awesome people and the company is wonderful. I was on their very first design team, so it was fun to be back as a guest.

Here are two of the layouts that I created. They sent me the Luxe and Hope Chest lines. This first page uses some things from the Luxe collection.

I used one of the masks and added some Gesso to it to tone down the silver. Then, I cut circles from some of the papers.

 I added mistable hearts and a Silhouette die cut title. I matted it all on the silver chevron paper.

Instead of adding mist, I decided to go with a cleaner look and used some gems. I think this page pretty much sums up my love for Trader Joe's!

My next page uses a fun technique that I learned from the fabulous Wilna Furstenburg. (I want to be her when I grow up!)

 I started by mixing some gesso with a gel medium. Then I added glitter to it and spread it onto the page using a PP mask. When it was dry I spritzed it with spray ink. The frames behind the photos were cut from another PP digital cut file.
 I finished it off by spraying one of the mistables for my title.

I did a couple of other projects and will be back later to share those with you.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow, your pages are truly gorgeous! Big congrats on the well-deserved GDT spot!

  2. Love these Anabelle!!!! Just beautiful! Hugs, Katrina

  3. Beautiful layouts! Love that heart mask.

  4. Love the colours and how they pop on the first one! Very cool gesso treatment on the second one! I might have to try that sometime.:)

  5. Buy USA Youtube ViewsAugust 6, 2013 at 11:42 PM

    Nice one, I really like your work.
    Great, thanks for sharing this article post. Buy USA Youtube Views

  6. WOW you are on a roll!!! I LOVE it!! How about going for 5 out of 5! These are fantastic !!! And isn't Trader Joe's the bomb!!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)