Thursday, August 1, 2013

CHA Recap

Yeah, I know. It's been a while between posts... oops. But, in my defense, I have been a busy girl. I spent the week in Vegas at CHA! Then, I flew back to the east coast and got in a car to drive to Cooperstown, NY for the Baseball Hall of Fame induction. The last couple of days have been spent unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and hitting the gym to work off everything I've been been eating and drinking. It's been a busy, but awesome summer.

So, I thought I'd post some pictures from the show. As my friend, Sherri Funk, posted on her blog, the people make the show for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing all of the product. But, if you're like me, you spend a good bit of time online. And getting to spend time with some of my online friends was so much fun.

Cindy and I had a couple of free days before the show. We took in a Cirque du Soleil show (my first time!), visited the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop (I'm a huge Pawn Stars fan) and hung out at the pool.

 Eating in Vegas was amazing. These are the fist tacos that I had at our hotel's mexican place. Yummm! I had them twice!
 Cindy and I had fun at the Doodlebug photo booth. They had the cutest products, too!

I love meeting up with my fellow Memory Makers Masters, Ronda Pallizari and Christine Drumheller. Ronda taught me some awesome mixed media techniques, too. I can't wait to incoporate them.

The show wouldn't be the same without Brandin O'Neil. She just cracks me up and I was so thrilled to spend some time with her.
 I met a couple of new friends at the Chic Tags booth. Veronica and Malika were so sweet. I loved everything in their booth, too!
 I ran into Kelly Purkey. She is adorable and I always love seeing her. Kelly and I go back a long time  to our Paper Salon days.

Jen Matott is another friend that I got to meet for the first time. Cindy and I loved spending time with her at the Faber-Castell booth. We learned lots about mixed media and Gelatos there, too.

April Foster is the owner of Studio Calico. She was really sweet and it was great meeting her. I love everything in their new release. 

Running into old friends is always a treat at CHA. Here I am with Catherine Tachdjian from Scrapbook and Cards Today. I loved reconnecting with her!  Summer Fullerton is behind us. She's another one of our Master's crew. We had a really fun time with them one night at the hotel bar.
Here's another group of ladies that I was so excited to meet! A group of us met online at the Scrapbook Nook's forum. It was so sad when it closed, but we keep in touch via Facebook. Seeing my fellow Nook girls, Sherri Funk, Shellye McDaniel and Carol Monson was awesome!

One of my favorite things about this CHA was meeting my loooooong time online friend, Lea Lawson. I was so excited when I found out she would be there. We ended up spending a lot of time together and had a blast. She is just as sweet in person as she is online. 

So, last weekend, I went from this:

To this:

Cooperstown was gorgeous. I'm so glad I tagged along for the trip. A group of 7 from our family road tripped it up there. This was the view from right outside our motel room door. 

Here's my favorite picture from the weekend. Ryan and his cousins all got these shirts. Isn't this a fun shot???

So, that's what I've been up to. I have some fun projects to share, and will post those soon. Be sure to stop by next week on August 8, as I will be involved in a great blog hop!

Thanks for stopping by. :)


  1. Looks like you've had a lot of fun!

  2. How fun Anabelle!! It looks like you had a blast!! So bummed I missed out this year!! Maybe in January!! xo

  3. I really enjoyed seeing your CHA photos. It looks like you have had a wonderful time!

  4. Looks like a fantastic time!! I want to go soooo bad....Maybe one day :-)


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