Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite days of the year. I love the sense of gratitude it brings. I love gathering together with my family. And I love the food. While there are so many things I'm grateful for each and every day, I'm most thankful for the love of my family, friends who I cherish, and a life that is filled with good things everyday.

This week on the Webster's blog we created tags to reflect our gratitude. Here's mine.

I used Park Drive papers, a Best Friends flower, some pins, a charm, a Sunday Picnic fabric tag and some Dazzle Me gems on here.

Thanks for stopping by and no matter where you are I hope you are celebrating this day with loved ones!


  1. Elegantly beautiful tag! Happy Thanksgiving sweetie!

  2. Your tag is so beautiful and fresh. A wonderful way to say thank you:)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. What a gorgeous tag!!! So very pretty!!

  4. gosh your tag is gorgeous.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. What a gorgeouse tag!!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)