Sunday, September 16, 2012


I don't know why I have had such a hard time keeping up with my blog lately. I'm back from vacation, we're in the school routine, but somehow I'm still not getting here. I think part of it is that since I was away so much last month, I didn't create as much and I don't have as much to share. BUT, that's going to  change. I have a bunch of things that I'll be able to show soon. So,I'm working on keeping up with this blog. LOL! Don't give up on me. ;)

I have my first back to school page to share today. Normally, I take a TON of first day pics, but this year it was POURING rain. I mean downpour, wind blowing, crazy weather. So, I didn't get as many shots as I like. But, I did get this one. ;)

 We always walk Ryan up to the front door on the first day, and this year we did the same. Yes, we got soaked, but it was fun. I used several lines on here including Pink Paislee papers, Fancy Pants stickers and Fancy Pants banner chipboard.
 I decided to use the triangle banner pieces as arrows pointing to my photo. I accented them with some wood veneer stars embossed with gold Zing powder. Get it? Gold stars on a school layout???
I layered some of Studio Calico mistable clouds on here, too. Seemed appropriate.

So, be sure to stop by again. I have a fun GDT gig that I'm doing and I'll be able to share more in a couple of days.

Also, there will be a Webster's Pages chat at A Cherry on Top this Wednesday at 9:00 pm EST.  Be sure to stop by to join in the fun!

Thanks for visiting and have a great day. :)

1 comment:

  1. if you ever discover the secret to staying on task with your blog, i would like to know.

    the photo is sweet even in the rain and with umbrella.



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