Friday, September 28, 2012

Polish Water Ice

Well, another week has gotten past me without my updating the blog. BUT, I had all good intentions! I was actually set to post something on Wednesday, but a little thing called Strep got in the way. I've been so sick! Laying in bed with your throat on fire, glands swolen and burning up with 103 temperature is NO fun. Luckily, I got some antibiotics last night and it's amazing how much better I feel. So, of course, I had to jump on here to update things, LOL.

Here's the final page I did for my Greatest View GDT gig. I love this picture. We were in Sea Isle on Labor Day weekend and the kids all decided to get Polish Water Ice right after we had a huge breakfast. Fran wasn't there, but he would have freaked over the amount of sugar Ryan was eating. (He'd had chocolate pancakes for b'fast).  I was the bad mom and let him go for it. Hey, we were on vacation, right?

 I used a couple of the glassine bags on here. I layered this one under the photo.
 This one was decorated with badges and sequins and serves to hold my journaling tag.
 I also used a bunch of Elle's Studio tags on here.
 My next project is a little tag booklet that I made using Webster's Wonderfall line. I love being able to go back and revisit some of my old favorite lines.
 I paired the papers with some of my Kelly Purkey fall stamps.
 Some of the tags were embossed with my Cuttlebug embossing folders.

Just a fun little reminder of how thankful I am to have such a loving family. :)

So, that's all for today. I'm off to gargle with some salt water.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I haven't had strep throat for 50 years and I remember how awful it was. I didn't even realize that adults get it. I hope you are all better by this writing. I would love to know what Polish water ice is? I love your tags, especially the bird. They are all beautiful.

  2. Oh no . . Hope you're all better soon! Thanks again for your amazing creations with Greatest View! And I LOVE your idea of embossing the tags! x

  3. strep is no fun, hope you are back to feeling better by now! I love that layout, the colors are great! love the little tag book too, so sweet!

  4. Im so glad your feeling better! I always worried that I'd get strep . When my dd was younger she got it alot, but luckily I never did!!

    I love your GDT creations so much!! You are so talented Anabelle!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)