Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Poor Neglected Blog

I have been such a bad blogger lately! Blame it on the summer and my lack of creative mojo. I just can't seem to get myself moving. The good thing is that I'm out making the memories to scrap. ;)

Here are a couple of recent projects. First up is a fun page using some MME goodies.

I misted the Studio Calico frames with Pinstripe Mr. Huey. And the hearts were misted with Heirloom.

This next project uses Webster's new Park Drive papers. They are such gorgeous colors. I decided to use triangles as my focus.

 See that trim. It's actually yellow, but I sprayed it with Leaf to change the colors.
 I cut the title with my Silhouette using my favorite font right now, Pacifico. I use it on everything these days.
Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a great day.


  1. I hear ya, I've been the same way. Summer's such a lovely distraction! Lovely pages. Great color change on that trim too!

  2. Glad you have been having a great summer! You should have lots of great photos to scrap when the weather has you stuck indoors!!! Loving what you shared here today!!!

  3. Yeah, Summer is great although over here we've had plenty of 'crap-weather'...lol.
    Gorgeous layouts and I love how that font looks with the sewing. Gorgeous!

  4. love,love love your scrap,annabelle !!! I've just discovered it and it's such a pleasure to look at it ... You're immediately in my favorites!!!

  5. During summer it is important to just enjoy the sunshine too. I sometimes even bad when I stay inside to scrap instead of baking in the sun;)
    Your both layouts are really beautiful. I love this size!

  6. Gorgeous Anabelle!! Love those misted frames on the first one and the banners on the second one.
    Both have such wonderful color palettes!

  7. I love the way the frames look with the mist; the darker wood color is so pretty.

    And I've been the same way about blogging lately, there are just so many other things to do!! =)

  8. Id have to say you have plenty of creativity!! I LOVE this page and card! Happy to see you enjoying your summer :-)

  9. Oh I'm glad I'm not the only on to have lost my mojo! These are lovely though its seem to have come back to you :)


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)