Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I'm finally home! For nearly the past two weeks, I have been a traveling fool. It started off with a trip to Western Maryland for a wonderful family reunion. We got home that Sunday night and first thing the next day, we flew to Myrtle Beach to meet up with our close friends who had traveled there in their 35 foot RV. We spent last week on the beach with them and had an AMAZING time. Here is where we camped. Can you see the ocean? It was just steps away from the camper.

Our days consisted of getting up and trekking down to the beach. 

 The boys had a great time! The weather was perfect every day. We really lucked out.
 Then, in the afternooons we hit the pool. They had a lazy river and my favorite thing was getting into the tube and just floating around. Ahhhhhhh.
 The boys have been friends since they were born, but I think they bonded even more on this trip. They had such a blast!!

Fran flew home on Sunday. Ryan and I stayed and we all drove to Charleston for a couple of days. We camped at a state park and visited Fort Sumter, a naval museum and toured downtown Charleston. It's a gorgeous city and I wish we'd had more time there.

We left yesterday morning at 9:30 and got home last night at 11:30. :(
Now, I have three days to get ready for school. I'm so sad! So not ready for the grind that it will bring...

Anyway, on to scrappy stuff... Here's a page that was on the Crate blog for this month's Creative Weekly. The theme was to use patterned paper.

I decided to use a fun summer photo and the theme song from Phinneas and Ferb? Are you familiar with it?

If you don't know it, it starts like this, "There's 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it. But the annual problem of our generation is finding a good way to spend it."

I started off by creating my own stencils. I used the font Stencilia and backed it with strips of patterned paper.

I used my Silhouette and cut the rest of the title using various fonts and mixed in some of my own handwriting.

I also used some of the paper strips to create a border around the edges to tie it all together.

I ended up using papers from the Pretty Party and Paper Heart lines. I love mixing lines, especially using the older ones with the newer ones.

Well, I'm off to start the lovely business of unpacking. On a good note, once that's done, I get to scrap again!!!

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Welcome back home! It seems like you spent your 104 days of summer vacation very well;) Love the photos!
    And your lay-out is so beautiful too. I love that you used the titlesong as your inspiration for the lay-out.

  2. FANTASTIC page, looove the colors anabelle, welcome home my friend♥

  3. There truly is no place like home. Welcome back! From both your photos and post it looks like you had a grand adventure.

    Love you layout! Especially your use of typography and colours. Wonderful creation!:)

  4. A fantastic page!! Pics are great!


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