Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Hunger Games

I love to eat. It's no secret. But, I'm not a meat and potatoes kind of gal. I love all kinds of seafood, fruits, veggies, ethnic foods and, of course, my favorite - chips and salsa with guacamole! I could totally be a vegetarian except for the fact that I love a good filet mignon or cheeseburger once in a blue moon. It's a good thing I get to the gym as often as I do because I'd probably be huge if I didn't . So, a couple of weeks ago, the challenge on the Emma's blog was to create a project based on a book. At first I perused Barnes and Noble looking for books whose design or color I really liked. Well, I couldn't find one. But, then it hit me...

 I could use one of my favorite books, The Hunger Games, as inspiration! I have so many photos of my favorite foods, so it would be perfect.
 I used photos of butternut squash with brown butter and sage, yellow curry, fish tacos, mexican sweet potato and avocado quinoa salad and thai crab cakes with purple sticky rice. (OK, my mouth is drooling after typing all of that out, LOL.)
 I pulled out some MME and Echo park papers here. The wood letters are Pink Paislee. I think I could use those on everything. And I added some MME brads and Studio Calico veneers.
 My next project is also one I did for Emma's. I used a Little Yellow Bicycle chipboard frame as the base and added some transparencies to it. Topped off the little bird with some flowers and gems.

So, I thought I'd leave you with the sneaks for Webster's Royal Christmas line. It's so elegant!! Here is a photo of my favorite paper from the line. I absolutely adore those little cards. They will be getting a lot of use for sure!

 And, how fun is this. There are going to be 12 by 12 transparencies!! The first thing I thought was that now that Hambly is no more, I'll have another option. Yay!!
You can see the rest of the peeks on the Webster's blog. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. LOVE the Hunger Games layout, Anabelle - such a fun title and gorgeous and details! And that Royal Winter collection looks like it's going to be beautiful.

  2. LOve the HUNGER GAMES layout! That title rocks! Love the look of the Webster's collection

  3. What a fun and original way to title your page Anabelle. Love the look of your gorgeTFS!ous projects!!

  4. Very clever my girl. I'm finally going to dig into that book now that summer has arrived. Love your fun layout.

  5. Fun projects, Anabelle! Thanks too for the sneak peak of Webster's Royal Christmas...such a beautiful and unique collection!

  6. This is amazing!!! Love how you put it together and that title is perfect!

  7. wonderful page - perfect title. LOVE your frame too

  8. What a fun title for your layout! Love both your page and card very much!! and I just downloaded the Hunger Games on my e-reader for the summer holidays!

  9. Totally love your layout! I like your title too. I'm also not a meat person at all, there's no meat that I couldn't live without;)
    Absolutely love that beautiful card too. I like how you used the bird.

  10. Oooh, the transparencies excite me, can't wait!!! Your creations are gorgeous, of course!! Love the fun layering and stitching in the first one, and your card is so elegant!

  11. SUCH a clever title! Love these projects, and great peeks too! ;)


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