Monday, June 4, 2012

8.5 by 11

Well. as always the weekend went way too quickly. It was a fun one for sure! How is it that Monday always gets here before we know it? Oh well...

I've been busy doing assignments and such recently and decided to take a break and scrap a photo I've had sitting on my table for a while. I chose to use this week's challenge sketch at Elle's Studio. Here's what I came up with.

 Notice anything? It's an 8.5 by 11 page! I hadn't made one in years, and did one for an assignment last week. I discovered that I really love this size! So, I made another.
 I think I might be hooked! I will never give up on my 12 by 12s, but I'm certainly going to be doing these more often.
 I used lots of Elle's tags on here. Along with some other goodies in my stash. One thing that made it really fun to do was that I could print right on my background paper.
 I did a white on white thing with the doilies and white letter stickers, too. Then, I used the colors from the picture as accent colors.
So, this is my tribute to my favorite food and drink!
I'm really excited to try some more.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. ;)


  1. I really really like your layout and now I want to make a recipe book with all my favorite recipes using your idea. Thank you so much for inspiring me!

  2. This is STUNNING. Love the white on white title and those banners are just perfect!

  3. Wow, Anabelle this is amazing!!It all looks so crisp and fresh. Not to mention that after living a few years in Mexico,the Margarita is by far the most delicious of alcoholic beverages... And now you've made me want one...LOL!

  4. this is PERFECT! Love that you've done an 8.5x11...I've reverted back to doing some myself :) The banners are GREAT and I love the typing right on the page...beautiful job!

  5. I LOVE your layout Anabelle, this is amazing!!

  6. I think you do 8.5 by 11 so well too! this is such a stunning layout!

  7. This is stunning! I love 8 1/2 x11 and you really nailed this! I can't give up 12x12 either.

  8. U am in love with that baby doily. And the tone on tone alphas!

  9. Such a gorgeous and fresh layout!! Love your banner! Amazing!

  10. What a beautiful page! I love the white lettering. Stunning!

  11. such a lovely layout!!love everything, from the size to the fresh look

  12. Waouh!!!! Amazing ♥ Just Perfect!! J'adore!!!!

  13. LOVE love love this page! I haven't scrapped a 8.5x11 ever but now I've seen yours I think I have to try one too.

  14. wow, amazing, i love, love this page anabelle♥

  15. Great layout! I love your white title on white background!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)