Thursday, December 8, 2011

Voting Time

So, earlier in the week I posted my cards for the Nook's Card Sharks challenges for the week. Well, voting has started and will go through Saturday morning. I've never been in one of those contests where you get voted onto the next round, but figured I'd give this one a go. SO, if you would like to help me out, I'd love for you to go here and check out the cards. Of course, you'll want to vote for your favorite, but I'm hoping that it will be mine. LOL! Thanks!

I have a couple of projects to share today. This first one is a card I did for Emma's a couple of weeks ago. I used some October Afternoon on here along with Crate. I have to say, I love how this turned out.

I used a mini flash card from Melissa Frances. And the banner is from Crate's Farmhouse collection. I popped it up with foam adhesive.

I finished it off with a layered butterfly and a pin from Webster's.

This next project is also for Emma's. We did a focus on gift wrap. I love using kraft paper and dolling it up. This gift went to my friend Amanda. I used a mix of Crate and October Afternoon's Sidewalks collection. The little pennants are my favorite!

Well, off to get a few things finished. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. I just love to came her and see what do you have created!!!!And always so many wonderful and beautiful things!!1This card is gorgeus, so many lovely details!!!
    I love all your cards and your page about Christman´s are very beautiful!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Big huges and kisses from Brazil

  2. Got my votes in! Love the banners and bow on your projects and fun colors.

  3. My oh my, you've made such gorgeous creations once again! Your card is so sweet and just defines prettiness! I also love you packaged the fit. I wish my Christmas presents would be wrapped in such a gorgeous way;)

  4. These are so lovely! LOVE the colors!

  5. Loved both of these projects as soon as I saw them at Emma's! That card is gorgeous! Have a great weekend Anabelle! (off to vote!)

  6. I don't know what to say...You are fantastic! I love all the details in the card. I've looked at it a couple of times and each time I see another detail I missed. You have a gift!

  7. I love the look of your card! I'm just sorry I didn't see it earlier to get to vote for you!!

  8. I love this so much! It is so amazing, Anabelle!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)