Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Shabby Tea Room!

The Shabby Tea Room blog is one year old this week! Time sure does fly! To celebrate, Debbie has been having a week long celebration and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

I created this birthday card for my guest designer spot this week.

It uses lots of Prima goodies - Annalee paper and rubon, Calcutta flowers, fairytale roses, Annalee flowers and some pearls. To shabby it up a bit, I painted the metal in the flower white.

The crinkled ribbon is from Kimberly Tracy.

This was a lot of fun to make. I used a die cut paper that I had to create the shape.

There are a ton of giveaways going on over at The Shabby Tea Room, so play along this week for a chance to win!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. Absolutely so, so ... SO pretty, Anabelle! So happy you could join in with the festivities in the Tea Room :)

  2. something different and this is an excellent project!

  3. Ooh, it is absolutely gorgeous!

  4. This is perfect beauty. Just love every part of it.

  5. What a sweet birthday card, Anabelle! Love all the beautiful Prima goodies and love the shape to this. :)

  6. What a PERFECT confection of flowers and trim! Such a treat to be guest designing with you in the Tea Room!

  7. Loooooove your card, it is simply stunning

  8. everything about it...colors are beautiful!!

  9. Gorgeous card!! The colors are so soft and pretty. Love it!!

    My Craft Spot


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)