Friday, October 15, 2010

Webster's Pages WONDERFALL Blog Hop!

Yay! Today's the day for the Webster's Wonderfall Blog Hop! Are you ready to win some fun prizes and be totally inspired by the amazing team? If so, you have to join us.

Today we are highlighting the awesome Wonderfall line. It's perfect for those back to school, hayride and fall fun photos, but it's versatile enough for your everyday pictures, too!

Some of you may be coming from Karola's blog. If so, this is your last stop!
Speaking of Karola, here is my page using a darling photo of her adorable little girl, Rose. It was such a treat to scrap a girl for a change.

I used a white piece of cardstock as the base and adhered a piece of the Wonderfall vellum to it. I love the bright yellow look it gives the page. I stitched the edges to secure it even more.

Next, I added lots of handcut flowers from the patterned paper as well as some Bloomers and stickers.

I tucked an envelope behind the main photo so that Karola can write some journaling and tuck it in there. A sparkler was the perfect touch on the closure. And, because it was a girly page, I created a ruffled border from the fabric ribbon and placed it along the bottom of the picture.

So, would you like to win a bit of WonderFALL for yourself? Each design team member is giving away a set of WonderFALL journaling cards and a set of our scalloped sparklers! All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog to be entered for a chance to win. (You can comment on every blog for lots of chances.) I'd love to know what your favorite fall recipe is. I'm always on the lookout for anything with apples, butternut squash or pumpkins. You can even link me up to your favorite recipe, if you'd like!

All comments should be received by midnight on Sunday, October 17. AND, don't forget our live chat at Inspire Me on Monday, October 18 at 6pm PST/9pm EST. We'll be wrapping up this fun event and announcing the winners!

Thanks so much for stopping by. If you've visited the rest of the ladies' blogs, then head on back to Inspire Me for even more inspiration. The gallery there is always awesome, and there is an album filled with Wonderfall projects!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. oh Anabelle, what a wonderful layout! Thank you so so much, I'm honored that you've created this Lo with photo of Rose! This is amazing! I was sure that it will be something magnificient, what a wonderful surprise!

  2. Great layout! I love what you did with the secret envelope and the ribbon. And my favority activity during fall? I love to pick the apples from the trees and make apple pie and lots more recipes with apples!

  3. Really, really beautiful, Anabelle! Love the design and all the lovely cut flowers. The envelope behind the photo is a great idea and looks fabulous, as does the gathered fabric ribbon. Stunning!

  4. This is such a wonderful layout! I really love all the pretty details you added, especially the gorgeous fabric trim on the bottom. I love to spend time outside during fall. It's so great to see how the change of seasons.

  5. oh anabelle! how precious. i love how you move the eye around the page with the frames. beautiful!

  6. oh anabelle! how precious. i love how you move the eye around the page with the frames. beautiful!

  7. Beautiful layout of such a little sweetie.I love to take more daughter to the park and watch her play and laugh.Take care Kerry xx

  8. Gorgeous, Anabelle!! I adore the depth of color from using the vellum on the background!!

    I'm sure Karola adores it, too! ;)

  9. gorgeuous layout! if we had fall season here in my country, i'd love to experience seeing the changing colors of the leaves. so romantic! :D

  10. Lovely layout, Annabelle. I love taking a walk in the park in Autumn and admiring the beautiful hues of leaves.

  11. Favorite fall recipe is nothing crisp. :)

  12. This blog hop has been so inspiring. This is another fabulous page! I'm going to try that ruffle...way cute!

  13. Beautiful layout! My favorite fall activity is celebrating all the holidays!!!

  14. Oh what a wonderful LO!!!! I adore all the colors and textures!!!

    One of my favorite recipes is making mulled cider....lots of apple cider, some cinnamon, cloves and ginger!!! I make a huge pot of it in my crock pot and can enjoy it all week!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  15. Anabelle, I also love Karola .... and I'm hoping to win a kit Webstear's, despite living so far away in Brazil. I knew your blog by Carol, and I was delighted with tapirs beautiful things. Congratulations .
    Anabelle, eu também amo a Karola....e estou com esperanças de ganhar um kit da Webster's, apesar de morar tão distante, no Brasil. Conheci seu blog através da Karola, e fiquei muito encantada com antas coisas lindas. Parabéns

  16. I love that you used the vellum on this totally gorgeous page! I love that sweet photo of Rose too! This has been so inspiring to see all of the team's beautiful creations with this gorgeous collection!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!!!!

  17. Very cute layout, I love the colors!

  18. It must be so fun scrapping each other's photos. Good idea, it mixes it up a bit :)

  19. What a lovely layout! My fav recepie for fall? Apple pie ofcourse!!! Yummmmmmmmmmmmm

  20. This is gorgeous and my favorite recipe at the time is Pumpkin Chili at All Recipes dot com

  21. OOOOOOOOOOOOoo Pretty pretty ;)


  22. Beautiful layout. I would have to say I would love a piece of home made apple pie --yum, yum.

    Leslee in MT

  23. What a beautiful page, really stunning! One of my favorite fall recipes is one that I have for Applesauce muffins, which I always make after I have canned a bunch of applesauce.

  24. Annabelle, this is a beautiful layout.

  25. And we end it with a BANG! Holy Moly that is a beautiful layout Anabelle. Thanks so much for everything :)

  26. What a LOVELY page! My favorite fall activity is looking at all the gorgeous colors of the leaves and watching them drift to the earth. Sure had fun looking at these wonderful pages!

  27. Hi Anabelle! This layout is stunning!!! I love the Wonderfall colour..they capture the wonders of fall so perfectly! I love enjoying walks in the autumn, eating delicious food for Thanksgiving and slowing down a little from a hectic summer! :)

  28. Love you page! I would have to say my peasant potato and sausage soup. I LoVE it!

  29. This is so pretty, I love the way you used those neat frames.

  30. just beautiful, love the detail

  31. I love pumpkin bread. I especially like it during the Fall.

  32. This Layout is beautiful Betsy! I love all the layers and that they don't detract from the photo. One of my fav fall recipes is Pumkin Spice cookies. They are soft and full of all those warm toasty spices and raisins..Mmmm....:O)

  33. Love all your touches of trim. So cute.

    My Grandmother's pumpkin pie is a favourite here!

  34. wow, love those raised butterflies, gorgeous layout!
    My favorite fall recipe is banana bread and also butternut soup with orange peel grated into it! so yummy!

  35. What a beautiful page!! The colors are great! My favorite recipe in fall is applecake and vanilla ice,yummy!

  36. Beautiful layout. Love all the fussy cutting. Favorite fall recipe is homemade pumpkin pie. I only eat it around thanksgiving which makes it even more special.

  37. Beautiful layout. Love all the fussy cutting. Favorite fall recipe is homemade pumpkin pie. I only eat it around thanksgiving which makes it even more special.

  38. Beautiful page I love all the elements that you pull together effortlessly to make a masterpiece

    I'm all about apples (I splurge on occasional pie, but applesauce and simple baked are easy & figure friendly as well as super yummy) so they are all my favorites easier the better

  39. What a beautiful LO!!! LOVE it:)

    For my fav fall recipe--I just love the simple carmel apples! MMM! I am not much of a cook....or I buy lots of pumpkin pies and carmel apples:) LOVE IT!

  40. Love your layout!,1813,158173-253204,00.html - Pumpkin turnovers

  41. Beautiful layout. My favorite fall food is probably candied yams. No marshmellows, just yams, orange juice and brown sugar. Yum, yum, I love it!

  42. I love all the gorgeous details on this LO such as the ruffled trim, the sparkler on the envelope, the butterflies, etc. My favorite fall recipe is apple/raisin pie with icing coating the top.

  43. beautiful layout. love your fussy cutting and fabric ribbon. one of my favorite fall recipes is a Bobby Flay one, for sweet potato gratin (lots of chilis) but since the children won't eat it, I don't make it.

  44. I love your blog and your creations. I stop by about every 3 days. Great layout.

  45. What a beautiful layout! Thanks for the chance to win....and pumkin scones is a delicious fall recipe that i love!

  46. My favorite fall receipt is the apple pies and other apple treats that we get from Apple Hill. Love the layout, it was just beautiful. Gotta get me some of this collection!

  47. Gosh is this ever pretty, Anabelle! You make gorgeous girlie pages!

  48. Totally amazed with all these pretty pages you all have shown.
    Thanks so much for a great blog hop.
    This is yet another very beautiful page with lovely colors and lovely details.

  49. Lovely Lovely LO, The Vellum was my runner up for favorite part of this collection. Love it on the white.
    My favorite fall recipe is simple,
    Core a good crisp cooking apple.
    Place in a greased pan and sprinkle with 1/8 tsp of cinnaomon and 1/8 cup of brown sugar.
    Bake uncovered in 350 oven for about 35 to 40 minutes.
    Serve with vanilla icecream, YUM!!

  50. great layout
    hope you enjoy the pancakes, and they are low calorie
    Pumpkin Spice Pancakes with Pumpkin Butter
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 4 • Serving Size: 2 pancakes w/ 2 tbsp pumpkin butter • Points: 5 pts
    Calories: 254.3 • Fat: 3.4 g • Protein: 9.1 g • Carb: 51.6 g • Fiber: 3.0 g
    1 cup whole wheat flour
    2 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
    1/4 cup pumpkin butter or canned pumpkin
    1 tbsp brown sugar
    1 cup 1% milk
    3 large egg whites
    2 tsp oil
    1 tsp vanilla
    butter flavor cooking spray
    1/2 cup pumpkin butter for topping
    Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Combine milk, egg whites and pumpkin butter or canned pumpkin in a bowl and mix until smooth. Combine wet ingredients with the dry and mix well with a spoon until there are no more dry spots. Don't over-mix.

    Heat a large skillet on medium heat. Spray oil to lightly coat and pour 1/4 cup of pancake batter. When the pancake starts to bubble and the edges begin to set, flip the pancakes. Repeat with the remainder of the batter. Top each serving with an additional 2 tbsp pumpkin butter. In addition you can top with maple syrup or agave, (extra points)

  51. You are such a gem Anabelle. Your work is always so inspirational to me. I LOVE what you created here. XO!

  52. What a darling LO! I especially liked the way you ruffled the fabric ribbon at the bottom of the page and how the envelope flap is also a decorative element. Beautifully crafted!

  53. Anabelle - such a sweet and tender layout!!!

    I'm not good in cooking so I'll just tell you that I love apple pie and pumpkin soup :)

    thanks for the opportunity to win :)

  54. what a fabulous page. I dont have any recipes to share but i love to eat!! haha!

  55. Love all of the beautiful layering on this layout! Love everything about the fall...sweater weather, fall leaves, pumpkin patches, etc.

  56. you did a beautiful job on this layout

  57. Love your style! My favorite fall recipe is pumpkin pie...not just for Thanksgiving, but as often as I can make it!!! :)

  58. Wow, how beautiful!! Love that LO!!
    Thank you for the chance to win. I already bought that line and getting the journaling cards would be just perfect!! And the little whimsies are my fav new embellie!!

  59. I love making Brunswick Stew in the fall!

  60. Hi!
    Indeed a sweet LayOut with a sweet picture!
    And I forgot to write on the other blogs, another great thing to do in the fall, is going through all the great new fall-scrapbook papers, haha!
    Thanks for the inspiration,
    kind regards,

  61. This is such a beautiful layout! I love, LOVE the design! You have inspired me to get this fall line to create layouts of my 3 granddaughters fall birthdays. I will be using some of your wonderful techniques!! One of my favorite recipes is Sweet Potato Bake (sweet potatoes or yams, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon spice blend, salt, orange (zest & juice), granny smith apples, and fresh cranberries).

  62. Gorgeous layout, Anabelle. I love all of it!
    My fav fall activity is watching my kids rake leaves so they can jump in the big pile. I need to get my camera out :)

  63. Absolutely beautiful colors and design in your LO. I really think it's the best! My favorite fall recipes would have to be for my mother's apple butter and Pear Honey.

  64. Love what you did with this collection Annabelle! The butterflies are just perfect. Cute photo too!

  65. i grow i love this layout the most!
    happy fall hope you get time to enjoy the outdoors as much as i do!

  66. I like the envelope and the way you used the bloomers on your fab layout. I have a great apple cake recipe that is a family fave.

  67. Beautiful page!! I just love fall, the colors, cooler weather, and of course fall baking!! I too love anything with apples and pumpkins this time of year.

  68. Beautiful layout! My favorite fall activity is to take walks on our beach walk, where I live, on a nice sunny, cool, crisp, fall day!

  69. Beautiful Page! I love the new line of papers.

    My favourite fall recipe is to simply roasted vegetables...butternut squash, red onion, garlic, carrots tossed with olive oil and roast at 450 for about 45-50 min. Delicious!

  70. gorgeous LO! my fav fall recipe is apple ginger pie from william sonoma!

  71. Just gorgeous-I love all the layers. And I appreciate the closeups showing how you did it.
    Recipe-you're going to laugh. Try making a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a cool fall night. You have to drink a frosty cold glass of milk with it and be careful not to burn your tongue on the hot jelly!

  72. The ruffle indeed made it perfect! What an adorable baby!

  73. My favorite recipe for Fall has to be my grandmother's strawberry-rhubarb pie. i'll have to dig that one up! It's been much too long....

  74. Very beautiful LO! Love all the details. My favorite fall activity is picking apples. Kids love it and I get to bake delicious pie afterwards, love it!

  75. Beautiful job Annabelle!I love Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! My fav fall thing to do is visit the pumpin patch! I love that we can pick them right off the vine - and they make for a great background too!

  76. My favorite fall activity is scrapbooking with fall papers, baking apple pies and enjoying time together with family and friends.

    ~Robin Redd

  77. Beautiful layout. I am well known for my pumpkin cake recipe.

  78. Gorgeous LO, love how you left an envelope behind the photo so that Karola could personalise her LO. Hmm recipes for fall, well it would only be slightly cooling off here in QLD Australia and we would eat mostly BBQ's and salad, so the best recipe for me would be Kangaroo steaks marinated in a garlic and wine, with a pumpkin, spinach and pine nut salad.

  79. Gorgeous, gorgeous, Anabelle! So many beautiful details on here! Love how you used the envelope!

  80. What a very inspiring page you created - love it. . . one of my favorite recipes for fall (and I have many) is my homemade "Gingered Pumpkin Soup" . . . I will post the recipe on my blog soon . . .

  81. Beautiful page Anabelle! I love the ethereal effect you get from mounting the vellum on the white cardstock... Love the punched edges around the photo and the butterflies! Awesome page! Amy Tara

  82. Hi Annabelle,
    I love your beautiful layout! Thanks so much for the chance to win these lovely gifts from Webster's Pages!
    My favorite fall activity is Apple Picking with my family. Then, of course, I get to bake so many delicious goodies with them...the best part!
    Take care, and thanks again...Barb

  83. Don't really have a favourite recipe but love to get the crockpot out and start having all those hearty casseroles and soups that we have missed over summer.

  84. Lovely layout, thanks for the chance to win.
    My fave fall recipe is pumpkin roll, delicious pumpkin cake and cream cheese all rolled up in one, yum. Ok, now I'm hungry.

  85. Beautiful, Anabelle!!! It's so detailed!! And I love all the soft colors here!!!

  86. I love that I get to buy new clothes in new fall colors, and then wearing them for the first time!

  87. favorite fall goodie is my famous pumkpin chocolate chip muffins. They are to die for and if I win....I share the how-to!!!

  88. What a beautiful layout! My favourite fall activity is taking a walk in the park and looking at the beautiful hues of the leaves.

  89. Great LO! I just love roast pumpikins with rosemary! This colour and taste... :-)

  90. Oh I just love the fabric ribbon, perfect touch! My favorite fall recipe is pumpkin cheesecake - I'm sorry I don't have the actual recipe! It's my best girlfriend's recipe, but she is out of state and I can not get it at this point. Thanks for the chance to win!

  91. Pretty layout - the name Rose befits that sweet little girl, she's beautiful. My favorite fall recipe is chocolate chip pumpkin bread. The neat thing about it is how adaptable it is - just use whatever pumpkin bread recipe you like best and add 1/2 cup per loaf pan mini semi sweet or milk chocolate chips to the mix! Stir in gently.

  92. Gorgeous layout, Anabelle!! Love the envelope peeking from behind the photo as well as all the bling and little details you added.

  93. Anabelle this is fantastic and so inspiring! I love your use of the fabric ribbon! Gorgeous and girly! My favorite thing during the fall is to visit the Pumpkin patch with my family!

  94. Great layout you guys outdid yourself on this hop I've never done a webster hop but just adore the paper.. I need to get some of this fall stuff total yumminess
    last one I got was seaside but don't know why I never came over to the blogs

  95. Such a beautiful layout! I'd love to scrap feminine for a switch at times too!

    I love caramel corn if that counts! Apple crisp is a close second. : )

  96. Wonderful take on the Wonderfall collection Anabelle!

    I have no favorite fall activity since we don't have fall here in my part of the world. I love the colors of fall, though and would love to visit there during the fall season.

  97. I am sorry I dont have a nice recipe to give you I just dont cook well, but I love the fall ! :) I hope it doesnt disqualify me.

  98. Love how you layer so many items on your pages and cards. They are so beautiful.

    Kathy R

  99. beautiful layout with lots of lovel little touches. family, outdoors and having fun are the favs for fall!

  100. Simply a gorgeous page how your have layered your very special.

  101. I love to make beef stew in the fall. It is to hot during the summer and even the spring for this comfort food where I live, but once fall weather kicks into gear, you are sure to find a BIG pot of my beef stew on the stove.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)