Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Twenty five years ago today, my dear brother and sister in law got married. Now, I wasn't at the wedding, as I didn't meet Fran until more than ten years later, but I must have been there in spirit!

We celebrated their big day this past weekend with a lovely lunch. It was so nice to celebrate such a special couple who I love so dearly! Here is the card that I made for them. Patty loves Webster's Pages, so I knew she'd like a card made with the new Hollywood Vogue line.

I fan folded the paper at the top. Then, I stitched a piece of the netting and added it to the little fan with a sparkler. The silver trim and bookplate all add to the 'Silver Anniversary' theme.

I created another something for them, but I can't post it quite yet. So, I'll share another anniversary card.

This one appeared in Paper Crafts' Card Style in the Shabby Chic section. I love all of the antique goodness on here.

I used some vintage buttons, lace and sheet music on here. I love using those on my cards!

So, Happy Anniversary, Fred and Patty! Love you guys! :)

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


  1. Nothing is more special to me than something handmade. Your card, as well as the other one, is gorgeous and I will treasure it always! I have truly been blessed with a wonderful family. Love you guys!

  2. Such gorgeousness!! I'm always inspired when I visit your blog!

  3. Stunning, stunning cards!!

  4. Happy Anniversary to lovely Pat! :) and thank you for sharing, Anabelle! They are pure shabby goodness. I am so inspired by you!


  5. great work! really liked the idea of a 1 postcard!

  6. These are such gorgeous cards for a wedding anniversary. I really love them!

  7. Ohhh Pure prettiness♥
    And now look what you made me do, i have to go shop the new websters papers!!!


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