Friday, October 8, 2010

Feeling Like Fall

The mornings and evenings are so much cooler right now. It's definitely starting to feel like fall! I hate saying goodybe to the summer, but the crisp days are nice, too.

I just wanted to point out that cute blinkie on the side of my blog. We are having a Webster's Pages blog hop on October 15-17. Be sure to stop by, as there will be prizes!

The color challenge this month at Emma's uses this lovely photo.

The card I made uses a lot of Cosmo Cricket goodies.

I used Mr. Campy papers and chipboard. The flower was punched and crumpled and I punched a smaller flower from some 7 Gypsies paper.

A Maya Road envelope serves as the backdrop. And I shabbied it up with lots of paint and some vintage trim.

Not much else to share today, since I've been spending a lot of time cleaning and organizing my scraproom! I've been purging and finding lots of goodies that I forgot I had. That always gets my mojo flowing!

Thanks for stopping by. :)


Monia - Monika Jakubowska said...

Beautiful card! I love colours and details :)

cnelson said...

Absolutely LOVELY!

Romy said...

Wow, what a gorgeous fall card. It turned out wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!

(-: Heidi

Patty O'Malley said...

Love the card and fall colors!

Linda Beeson said...

So love your inspiration piece and the card you created to go with it! That flower is so cool.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anabelle! Your cards are beautiful! Always fun to find fellow-shabby girls :) Would love to drop by often to see your projects!

Wendy Kwok said...

Your cards are truly inspirational. Love them!