Friday, September 3, 2010


I have a couple of projects to share with the new Wonderfall line from Webster's. I love how versatile it is.

Here's a card I made recently. This one uses some vellum from Life's Portrait and, of course my favorite Bloomers/seam binding combo.

I did some hand cutting and added a Tattered Angels frame along with a bit of fabric ribbon from Websters.

Next up is a layout I did for this month's Guest Designer lift at Inspire Me. We are so lucky to have Christine Middlecamp with us. I designed a layout using some of her signature elements: clean lines, blocking, and lots of layered embellishments. This one uses lots of papers from the Wonderfall line. It's Ryan on the first day of school LAST year. (He still has all of his baby teeth...I miss that smile!)

Finally, I leave you with the look of trouble! Here's our sweet 5 month old Pulu. He is a little stinker!! It's a good thing we love him so much. His favorite thing to do is to hide and attack our feet as we walk by. Anytime I try to photograph my projects, he jumps up on the chair and starts chewing on them. I captured this photo of him this morning. The look on his face cracks me up!!

That's it for today. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. I am cracking up at Pulu's face. Talk about caught in the act lmao.

    Thanks for the amazing inspiration today too. The tag is stunning

  2. Love the card and LO - that line is so great and I can't wait to get mine! I just love your style.

    Your cat is too cute :)

  3. Great card and layout! They turned out wonderful (really, their couldn't be a more perfect name for that wonderful Wonderfall-line too:)), as all of your creations do! Mr. Pulu totally cracked me up. He immediately reminded me of our cute cat, Paco. He loves the 'hide and then attack someone's legs'-play too, though he's already 3 years old. He never likes me to take pictures of him too, and he has the same green eyes as Pulu does. Maybe we should plan a play-date for those two little rascals. They'd probably love to do those cool plays and jokes together...LOL! The

  4. Thanks for the card. I never know how to make a sympathy card. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. That photo put a smile on my face!! I love kitties!! Beautiful projects, as always!

  6. Wonderful !
    I love so much what you do !

  7. The green ribbon flower is just amazing on your card! As for your kitty, I can relate to those antics! Sometimes I end up with parts of a cat in my photos!

  8. Annabelle you churn out one of the nicest cards! :) and not forgetting your pages are amazing too!

  9. love the green sympathy card!.. beautiful!


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