Saturday, September 25, 2010

CCG 161

Yay! It's the weekend. :) Another crazy week over and behind me. I'm hoping I can find some creative time over the next couple of days.

Color Combos Galore went live yesterday. This is a fun combo, especially for fall or school pictures.

I went a bit simpler on this one. I had these photos of Ryan and his friends all wearing their Keens and thought they went well with the color combo. Do your kids have these? They were a fabulous investment. Ryan wore them EVERYDAY this summer. They went to the beach, to the pool and to church. And they STILL look like new. ;)

I decided to add texture to this by stitching the button border and adding buttons to the chipboard hearts. And can you believe I didn't add a flower here???

Be sure to stop by Color Combos Galore to see what the other girls did.

Thanks for visiting today!


  1. If I may be bold and say "great minds think alike." I have printed several of photos of my kids and their keens and I have yet to scrap them :) so you can imagine how much I love your layout here.

  2. Love all of the fun borders! :) This is so previous! :)

  3. Your work is gorgeous, I'm learning in your blog :-) Thanks!

  4. Where have I been hiding? I've never heard of Keens! Hmmm!

    But I must say, the page you've created here about them is pretty fabulous! That is one gorgeous color combo for sure!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)