Monday, August 9, 2010

Prima Part 3

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Our's was pretty quiet. We've got the summer cold thing running through the house. Hopefully, it will pass soon.

Today, I have a few more Prima projects that I did for the booth.

This first project is a tee shirt that I decorated with one of the new Donna Downey canvas sheets. I cut circles to create the flowers. Then I cut the swirls from the canvas and adhered them with a fabric adhesive.

Here's the sheet that I used...

This next project uses some of the new flowers, trim and page pebbles. I adhered them with hot glue. They are just perfect for a little girl. (Don't think Ryan will want to wear these...LOL)

And finally, a card using lots of rubons from the Paisley Road collection.

I also used a piece of the chipboard from the collection. I really love the colors in this line!

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. Such amazingly incredible projects! wow!

  2. Gorgeous projects Anabelle!! I love how you use Prima! Totally inspired by you! HUGS!! Have a happy week :D

  3. Beautiful projects, I love what you did with the canvas sheet and the little flip flops are adorable!

  4. What beautiful projects! I love the wearables you've created! So fun and so creative, and gorgeous, to boot.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)