Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bloomers and Seam Binding

As you know, I just love Webster's Bloomers! They add the perfect touch to projects. Well, like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper and chips and margaritas (my personal fave), I've discovered another wonderful pairing - Bloomers and Seam Binding. I have a couple of cards to share today using both of these fun items.

This first card uses Cosmo Cricket's Lovey Dovey line along with my favorite pairing. I'm just in love with the colors in this line!

You can see the whole supply list at the Emma's blog.

This next card uses Webster's Lullabye Lane line along with the Bloomers and seam binding. I added a vintage button to the center of the flower and paired it with a Hambly rubon frame.

I just love the texture on both of these cards.

Oh, and since some people have asked, this is how I send my cards. Sometimes I put them in a larger padded enevelope. Sometimes, I place them in a regular envelope and add an extra stamp so they will be 'hand postmarked'. My cards have always reached their destination, so I guess this system works.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day. :)


  1. Those bloomers trims are absolutely fabulous, aren't they? I can't get enough of them too:) And I simply admire what you've done with them. Gorgeous cards! They are totally different from eachother, but are both so very beautiful in their own way.

  2. I love the bloomers too! The colors are beautiful and I agree the texture is divine! Gorgeous cards!

  3. Very, very nice work! Excellent!

  4. I love bloomers too! I just ordered some and can't wait for them to get here. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Yours is wonderful - great pages and cards!

  5. Oh those bloomers are so sweet! I haven't seen them before, and now I'm in love. Thanks for sharing how you ship your cards, good tips! :)

  6. Both cards are gorgeous Anabelle, especially love the delicate colours and soft texture of the second one :)

  7. I adore both of these, the bloomers are so so beautiful. Have a great weekend. :)

  8. Hello! Okay?
    I was visiting your blog for a chance and just could not resist making a comment!
    Your work is WONDERFUL! I admit I love crafts and much scrapbook ...
    Congratulations yourself!

    Sorry I am Brazilian and I can not speak English ... I had a little help from Google translator! kkk



Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)