Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July! Hope you will be celebrating it in a fun way. It's going to be a hot one here - almost 95 degrees. Ryan is going to be in the town parade with the scouts. And then we're bbq-ing and watching fireworks with some friends.

We had a really fun little excursion this weekend. We went on an overnight camping trip to Lancaster. The campground was great! We pitched out tent on a beautiful site, right on a stream under a tree. We spent Friday evening and all day yesterday at Dutch Wonderland. It was so much fun! The best part was the 'whoopy pie truck' that visited the campground yesterday morning. A charming Amish couple bring their buggy around (kind of like an ice cream truck) and sell their goods. They had all kinds of treats, including my favorite - whoopy pies. We will definitely be heading back to Millstream again!

I have a couple of things to share today. First up is this card that I did for Color Combos Galore 149.

I used a Webster's die cut paper along with a Maya Road chipboard circle covered with glitter, a Hambly transparency, Pink Paislee die cut and Webster's bloomer.

It was based off this color combo:

My next project is a layout I did for Tattered Angels this month. I used a lot of Pink Paislee 365 Degrees paper. I used a Glimmer Screen as a stamp using Olive Vine Glimmer Mist, to create the swirls.

The butterfly was sprayed with Patina and the letters with Sunflowers. I cut the words from a Timeless Romance calling card and added a Rockin' Renaissance tag sprayed with more Olive Vine. (I LOVE that color.)

The reason we visited Hawaii this year was because we celebrated our 10th anniversary in February. This is my favorite photo of Fran and me while we were there. Ryan took it!

Well, that's it for today! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That camping trip sounds like a fabuolous time! We are planning to go next weekend ourselves!

    Gorgeous work as always...saw the card up at CCG! Such a great group of talent there!

    Happy 4th!

  2. Stunning card and lo!! Happy 4th!

  3. Ohh goodness... I just love how you used the glimmer screen as a stamp! I MUST try that idea, girl... thanks for inspiring! :)

    The shape of your other card is just gorgeous... love the bloomers on there too!

    Glad you had fun in Lancaster! Did you know they JUST opened up a scrapbook store at the outlets in Lancaster this weekend... I believe their first day was Friday! It's called Times to Remember... it's the 2nd store... the first one is at the Hershey outlets! I so wish we lived closer because I would've loved to work there!

  4. Really beautiful Anabelle :)! have a great week !

  5. Such beautiful projects, Anabelle! Love the Webster's card to pieces. That is such a great use for the mini die-cut paper. And what a lovely layout and photo. I so love that Pink Paislee line.

  6. Hi Anabelle!
    WOW! You have the most AMAZING work on your blog! Your style is just Fabulous!!
    Love and hugs
    Emma and Susan

  7. Wowzer! Anabelle, I love how you use those flowers, they just look super great with your touch! Thanks for sharing! Love your card for the Shabby Tea Room too!

  8. Lovely LO. That butterfly is very cool.


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