Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Card Style Week

I just got my copy of Paper Crafts' newest issue, Card Style today. LOVE it!
It's divided into sections with cute, clean, clasic and shabby/vintage sections. Can you guess which section I'm in? Here's a little hint:

This is my favorite card from the issue. I used Webster's Lullabye Lane on it along with a Hambly rubon and some vintage goodies.

There are lots of fun things going on over at the Paper Crafts and Moxie Fab World blogs, so check them out. Word has it if you stop back here on Friday, you might have a chance to win a free copy!

Here's another card that I recently finished. I did this one for Emma's color challenge. I used a bunch of different goodies on it. You can see the color challenge and my supply list HERE.

Finally, I want to share that there's going to be a great Webisode with Heidi Swapp tomorrow night. Wendy Senger, CEO of Tattered Angels will be with her. They're going to be sharing some fun techniques. It will be at 10 pm EST. So, you can participate in the A Cherry On Top chat for Webster's Pages at 9 EST and then head over to www.ustream.tv/channel/heidi-swapp-live for a great class!

That's about it. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. WOW! Just gorgeous! LOVE that cameo on your first card, and the buttons on the 2nd one! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

  2. These cards are just divine!! LOVE the cameo on the first and those pops of red on the 2cd! Sooooo stunning!

  3. Wow very nice the cards.
    Thanks for inspiration.

  4. Your section was (of course) my favorite of them all! I loved perusing thru your little beauties. :)

  5. YUMMY!!! your cards are GORGEOUS Anabelle! The red just POPS! HUGS!!

  6. Gorgeous card Anabelle! I love both, the soft tone on the first one and the bright and happy colors on the 2nd! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Such FABULOUS creations! LOVE the red rose with the circles! GENIUS!

  8. Just beautiful cards, Anabelle! I especially love the first one! I love all things shabby chic!

  9. Just wanted to stop by and say hi! Gorgeous cards!!

  10. congrats on the pub, anabelle! those cards are absolutely gorgeous!

  11. Love them both! They're both outstanding. Shabby vintage is the hardest style for me, but one I love to see the most. I wish I could pull it off this effortlessly!

  12. Terrific cards in your post today, such a sweet example of your work!

  13. You've received a blogging award!


    Congrats, Anabelle!


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