Sunday, April 11, 2010

Where Has My Vacation Gone?

I've got the Sunday blues. After being in vacation mode for the last 11 days, I have to get back into 'the grind' tomorrow. Time to start packing lunches, doing homework, going to the office, running around after school...sigh. Our time off has been such bliss...

Anyway, I have a couple of things to share with you today. This first layout highlights photos that crack me up. We went camping at the aquarium not too long ago and Ryan loved hanging out on this shark. I used Webster's new Seaside Serenade line along with Tattered Angels' frames, fish Glimmer Glass and chipboard letters.

Speaking of Tattered Angels...
There are a couple of exciting things I wanted to tell you about. First is that they are offering a gorgeous new limited edition color.

The sales will benefit Autism Speaks. Click HERE to find out more about it.

Also, registration is now going on for Mistified, day long, technique filled workshops that are being held in Australia!!!

Do you know how badly I'd love to go to these?? Click HERE for more info.

My final project for today uses some fun Technique Tuesday stamps.

I paired them with some Jenni Bowlin Homespun papers. I used the Borderlines - Vintage Lace stamps to create the border and the flower on here.

To make the flower, I cut the lace out and fan folded it. Then I adhered the ends and added the button center. I finished the card off with a sentiment stamped with the Simply Stated set. Isn't that frame fun?

Well, that's it for today. Off to enjoy my last day of 'rest'!!
Thanks for stopping by. ;)


  1. Wow Annabelle, your layout is magnificent, I love the gorgeous glimmermist fish, oh wow, this is stunning, I love how you separated the photos and it looks gorgeous and those "bait" letter are just so fishy looking - perfect.

  2. lovely cards! I love the bright fun colors of the second card.

  3. Beautiful projects Anabelle! I love the way you've created the flower center with that lace stamp!

    (-: Heidi

  4. Magnificent fantastic layout. The floral theme is great and should be used now in all Canada flowers delivery systems. Kudos.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)