Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Prima Cardigan

I had to pop on and show you what I wore today! As you know, I love all
things Prima. So, I've had these Romani flowers for a bit and had decided to make a bib necklace with them. I'm just loving all of the fun necklaces that are out right now. Anyway, I found this antique lace panel and thought it would be perfect. I hot glued the flowers to it and then cut a piece of fun foam slightly smaller than the lace and glued everything to that. I added a couple of chains and I was done. Well, this morning, I was trying the necklace with the cardigan I had put on. I loved how it matched, but it wasn't sitting quite right on my neck. So, I decided to take off the chains and attach it right to the cardigan. I just got my JCrew catalog yesterday and was totally inspired to wear ruffles or blossoms!! Being that I was running late (yeah, I'm in my scraproom doing this when I should have been getting out the door), I just pinned it to my sweater. But, I love how it looks, so I'm going to sew it on later.
Anyway, got lots of compliments so I thought I'd share. Sorry the pics aren't so great, but that's what you get when you have a 6 year old photographer who wants nothing more than to get onto Playstation!
So, what do you think???

I've got more designs floating in my head. Now, I just need to get more flowers. :)
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm in LOVE with this! So pretty and girly!
    I just pulled some beading off this pink tank and am looking for something like THIS to put on the top, instead!
    Great idea!
    Shelley Smith

  2. Anabelle, this is just gorgeous, wow, what a clever lady you are, this is so CHANEL. Magnificent, I would love to be wearing that this winter.

  3. Your 6 year old photographer is pretty good. Love the idea... I think I have a few things that I could dress up with some of those gorgeous Primas:)

  4. OMG!!! You just blew my organza flowers t-shirt out of the water. This is gorgeous and you can bet I will be buying these flowers to make my own version STAT!

  5. Anabelle! this is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  6. Oh mine!! That is super duper cute!! Love that idea ;) love the composition on the cardi :)

  7. OMG ... BEYOND BEAUTIFUL! I wear a size medium and I'll take one in pink as well (giggle). Seriously, Anabelle, so creative and just absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. this is gorgeous!!! LOve it. Where do i order?

  9. Beautiful!!! Scrapper and fashion designer! Love it! ;)

  10. Love this....been meaning to give it a try too...thanks for the inspiration!

  11. That is gorgeous and so on trend!! I want one!

    (-: Heidi

  12. Really, really cute, Anabelle. I love the girly looks that are so popular right now. You captured the trend perfectly!

  13. Oh that's so pretty Anabelle! Whenever I'm in need of serious eye candy here's where I come. All of your work is breathtaking! xxD

  14. Love love love the cardigan, Anabelle! And of course, Ryan's photography skills are awesome! :) Miss you!

  15. Love Love Love it!! A lot! and it looks perfect on that sweater!!!

  16. oh my WORD Anabelle... this is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! what a fabulous idea, you are amazzzzing my friend!!!! so inspiring!!!

  17. Anabelle! Totally fabulous and that six year old photographer did OK!

  18. It's amazing - so feminine and soft! It looks fresh and very springy! Great idea!

  19. Totally inspired. Love how feminine it is. :)

  20. absolutely gorgeous!!! i want to make one (but i don't have those flowers! LOL)! :)

  21. I saw this but forgot to comment. :) It's gorgeous, I love it!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)