Thursday, January 14, 2010

Webster's Sneak #2

If you've just arrived from Inspire Me, Welcome!!! I'm sharing an awesome sneak with you today.
This beautiful paper is called Reflections' and it is from the Life's Portraits collection. This shows both sides of the double sided paper.

I have to say that I think this paper is my favorite out of all four of the collections. I just adore the frame and the colors are so deep and wonderful! They'll be perfect for so many occasions!

For a chance to win this amazing collection, check out the scavenger hunt at Inspire Me. All of the details for the game are HERE. then, check out the Preview Week Thread to find clues for today's game. Good Luck!


  1. I agree, this line is my favorite so far! But then I think I've said that everyday! LOL

    Thanks for the peek!

  2. Oh, so beautiful ... very rich and elegant!


  3. oh my goodness! I am in love with the frames!!! This is one that I'm going to have to get! Thanks for sharing. I'm loving all the sneak peeks I've been seeing everywhere.

  4. I'm in LOVE with these sneaks! These colors are so beautiful together!!!

  5. Beautiful. Sigh. Should I even click to see where my next play money will be going?

  6. I think Life's Portraits is my fave new line, too. Can't wait to play!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)