Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Noel Mignon Challenge

I have been so busy lately with assignments and things that I had to do! So, when I came across this challenge at the Noel Mignon challenge blog, I knew I wanted to do a layout just for fun. And it WAS fun! As you know I LOVE the movie New Moon and that's what the challenge was based on.

Here's what I had to do...
The book "New Moon" by Stephanie Meyer is all about change and moving on. The author stated that the reason behind the title is because whenever there is a new moon, the night is very dark; just like this time in the protagonist's journey in the book. Sometimes when you are going through changes, it's hard to see the end result and if you are going to get your "happy ever after."

Using this thematic element from the book, do a layout based on a major change that happened in your life. It doesn't have to be when life was "dark" for you; not all change is bad or as dramatic as it was for Bella!

Also include:

-the colors black, white, and red
-flowers (like the cover of New Moon)
-text/book paper (it doesn't have to be from the book- I wouldn't ask you to tear up a Twilight book! )
-a charm of some sort (to represent the charms that Edward & Jacob gave Bella)
-a little bit of bling or sparkle (hello- because the vampires are sparkly!)

I've been wanting to do a page about losing my Stay At Home Mom status for a while, so this challenge was perfect for it. I loved pulling out my new Jenni Bowlin, Pink Paislee and My Mind's Eye papers. The flowers are Prima, the swirl is Zva. I didn't have any charms, but I think the glass bead charm worked well enough. I used it for the butterfly's body.

You can check out what the Noel Mignon DT did with this challenge HERE.

If you want to play along, you have until the 4th to do so.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. WOW...this is stunning! LOVE it! :)

  2. gorgeous Anabelle!! Love the colors.

  3. Love your take on the challenge and the glass charm for the butterfly is such a neat touch.

  4. This is just drop-dead GORGEOUS!!! I love the Zva on here and the pop of blue with the flowers!

  5. Beautiful page, Anabelle! Love this whole challenge. It's just lighthearted and fun, which is something I know I don't do enough sometimes.
    Love your page. Great topic, too!

  6. Beautiful page! Gosh - I'm so far behind on what's going on with you. Where are you working? I miss my SAHM status, too, but I like paying bills and having spending moolah! LOL

  7. How great! Love the direction you took with the challenge!

  8. Wow girl, I love how you used the JB. Such a great photo of you & great thing to documet. You rock. :)

  9. That's so gorgeous! I love your classy look!

  10. this is a very pretty layered layout :)

  11. Beautiful Anabelle, love the colors together, flowers and the butterfly....
    Have a great weekend.....


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)