Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm so excited! I was asked to be Prima's guest designer this month. What is there not to love about Prima?? The flowers are amazing, the papers gorgeous and the gems/pearls beautiful! Here are the projects I created for them...

This first one uses stitched papers, flowers and some felt. I also added pearl centers.

This next card is one of my new favorites! I used papers from the Indeed line, a flower and parts of a vine. I love the colors! The stamp is Papertrey.

Just wanted to remind you, too, that the Webster's Crop is still going strong! Stop by Inspire Me if you haven't had the chance yet.

I'll be posting more of my Prima projects soon. :)
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful. Congrats on your guest spot at Prima. Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh WOW Anabelle!!!! Stunning, stunning work, your card is absolutely GORGEOUS! Congratulations on your guest spot, what a PERFECT match!!! Looking forward to seeing more of your Prima creations :)

  3. Wow, what beautiful work! You do a wonderful job with Prima.

  4. Wow!!!!!!Congratulations, you do a great job.
    I love your LO, voê is perfect.
    I am sending an email to you, where I'm doing you a call.
    Please answer me.
    Thank you and much success always.

  5. You so deserve this guest spot - your work is always Prima-licious. :)

  6. Oh, wow!!! These are artwork, girl! Pure artwork! ;)

  7. Just gorgeous Anabelle! Congrats on your guest DT gig!

  8. Congrats on the guest spot. As always your work is so beautiful, very femanine. Love the prima flowers - I collect them but am always saving them for something special. Perhaps this will inspire me to use them.

  9. There aren't many things that get more yummy then Prima! GORGEOUS stuff, Anabelle.

  10. You have really done an outstanding job with the Prima products. A perfect 'fit' in my mind! Can't wait to see what else you create!

  11. Oooh! YUM!!! Your work never fails to make me drool, Anabelle...LOL! ;-D

    I could stare at both of these for hours and not tire of them! Simply gorgeous work! I agree...what's not to love about Prima? Congrats on being their GDT this month! I can't wait to see more Prima projects from you!

    Have a blessed weekend, dear friend! :)

  12. Amazing.. every detail. You're so talented my friend. :)

  13. Congrats, Anabelle! You + Prima = Perfect Match!

    I hope you are well! Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)