Friday, October 23, 2009

Rainy Friday

Well, I took a little break from creating the past couple of days. I usually create something every day, even if it's just a quick card. But, my scraproom was in need of a major overhaul. So, I pulled everything apart, reorganized and purged. It took a looooooong time, but feels so good to be done. I brought 4 big boxes of stuff up to the school today for the art teacher. It's good to know my stash will be put to good use. ;)
So, as I was cleaning, I came across these pictures. I'd printed them a while ago, but they ended up in a pile and I never scrapped them. So, I decided to scrap them with some fun striped Making Memories paper and my current FAVORITE paper - the October Afternoon polka dot one. I added some American Crafts chipboard that I'd found and some ribbon that I love.

The crystals are Zva. I love that heart one and thought it would be perfect on here. And I've been hoarding the gray them, too!
So, my new mantra is to try and use what I've got. Or at least mix in the older stuff with the new. At least I know where it all is now!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. so beautiful! love those colors! TFS! :)

  2. Very pretty and you inspired me to get my MM Love papers out and create something because they are so lovely! Glad yoi were able to get organized. It's not pretty at my house right now and I know how it makes me feel. :-)

  3. oh wow - that MM paper is so yummy, and your layout is very pretty! I am also in the middle of organizing and purging...and totally agree, it feels great. Enjoy your weekend Anabelle:-)

  4. Really gorgeous layout... I love the red with grey.

  5. Is that a surrey from OCNJ? Love those!!! This past summer when Mom and I went we got a serious work out on them. Haha Gorgeous layout as well! <3

  6. Really beautiful! I love that color combination!

    (-: Heidi

  7. I would soo love to see some pix of your newly organized space! Any chance of that? Hint, hint!

    And I love the colors of this page... the polka-dot paper of OA's is a fun one!

  8. Beautiful LO! Love the colors, makes me miss Summer!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)