Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween Fun

I feel waterlogged! We have had rain here for the past four days. Ugh! I think I know what it must be like to live in Seattle now. The one good thing is that it's supposed to get up to 70 again by the end of the week. I'm glad because I'm just not ready for winter weather yet!

I have a really quick project to share with you all today. At Emma's Paperie, we all designed easy Halloween treat containers. I decided to make little Bingo card pockets. I just folded the Jenni Bowlin bingo cards in half, stitched them up and added some embellishments. I finished them off with ribbon handles. Very quick and easy. I think these will go to my co-workers.

You can see the rest of the projects HERE.

Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by. :)


  1. Very, very cute, Anabelle! Love 'em!

  2. Gorgeous, Anabelle. Love them!

    Hope the weather will be better this week as I'll be coming over to the USA. :-)

  3. Those are just so very cute! Such a great idea! THanks for sharing with us - I may have to steal this for a Thanksgiving favor! :)

  4. these are super cute and look like they would be fun create for a coworker or two!

  5. These are so incredibly creative if gorgeous Anabelle!

  6. So adorable. I'm lovin' these bingo cards, but I can't seem to find them here in California, South. part. Online they are sold out....I will keep looking! Love your projects!

  7. Darling! I am totally making these.

  8. How adorable, Anabelle! Love the simplicity of these containers and how you make even the quickest of projects into a true piece of art.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)