Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Pretties

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a fun weekend. We sure did. Ryan joined Cub Scouts and we participated in our first family camp out. It was great fun!!! We camped at a local state park. This was the first camping experience for us. We hiked, did activities, sang songs and made smores around the campfire and slept in a tent. Or, I should say TRIED to sleep. ;) It was a bit challenging... There was a train track that ran right behind where we were and the train came through three times, BLARING it's horn. It sounded like it was right on top of us. But, other than that, it was a great time. We made some new friends and are really excited about what the year will hold for Ryan!

On to some projects. As you know I LOVE Prima flowers. These next two projects use flowers on them. They are both 'fallish' projects. This first one is a journal I did for Tattered Angels. The details can be found at the TA Blog HERE. Scroll down a bit...

I plan on adding fall pictures and notes aboout them to this journal. Some of our camping pictures will definitely be finding our way in there!
This next card uses lots of fun goodies. Of course there's the Prima flower. I also used some Bo Bunny paper, a TA frame, Bo Bunny stickers, Jenni Bowlin rubon and Hampton Arts stamp.

Finally, I wanted to let you know about a wonderful RAK that is going on over at Amy Tara Koeppel's blog. She lost her mother 20 years ago today to breast cancer. I know the pain that this disease causes as I lost someone whom I dearly loved to it, as well. Check out her blog for a good reminder of how to be vigilant against this awful disease.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by! Have a gerat day. ;)


Anonymous said...

OMG Anabelle!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your projects today. They are so awesome! That book is amazing!! Thanks for posting about Breast Cancer Awareness! Hugs! Amy Tara

cnelson said...

Gorgeous projects! What a fun weekend you had with your little cub scout!

Vel said...

Wow, beautiful work!

Emily said...

Very pretty. I have no idea how you keep coming up with these beauties but I am sure glad you do.

danni reid. said...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful projects! You are an artist with that Glimmer Mist!

(-: Heidi

Kimberly said...

I am a broken record when I comment here.........GORGEOUS and Stunning. You just kill me, chica!

Dannette said...

absolutely beautiful! Hugs, Dannette

phamil said...

OMG Annabelle, I love visiting your blog, you always have so much eye candy here! Your work is just stunningly gorgeous! Love your details!!!! I really loved meeting you at CHA, I just found my pic of you the other day, lol!!! I took so many while I was there!!!

Lulu said...

Aahhhh gorgeous!! The card with the flower just makes me happy!! :)

Wendy Kwok said...

That journal is beautiful! You always make awesome stuff! Love it

Audrey Pettit said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous projects, Anabelle! I always love seeing your fabulous things. And I'm smiling thinking about you camping with the trains. ;)
Just was over at Amy Tara's blog, too.

Stauffenberg Family said...

Fun! I am excited to see some of your work. Love your eye. Great design.