Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Websters

I have a couple of things to share with you today. I've been playing with the new Webster's line, Sweet as Cherry Pie. These papers are sooo fun. Just perfect for summertime pages and cards.

Here is a page I did of Ryan and his little buddy, Tyler. We had a cookout and they were swinging on the hammock having their corn on the cob. Does it get anymore 'summery' than that??? The papers were perfect for this photo.

I also used a Jenni Bowlin die cut paper on here. JB stuff works so well with Webster's. The flowers are Zva and so are the crystals. I colored them yellow to match.

Here is a card I did with the same line. I added the Papertrey Ink star stamps and buttons.

And here's another using a Maya Road frame covered in glitter, a PTI stamp and Jenni Bowlin button.

Finally, there are four more days until my challenge is over at Inspire Me! All you have to do is create a card and you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a whole line of Webster's Pages goodies. I've seen some of what's coming out for CHA and it's wonderful!!! Check here for all of the details: Webster's Challenge

Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!


  1. As usual, these are all gorgeous! I just think that layout and photo are the cutest!

  2. I just love that scrapbook page. They layout and design are fabulous!

  3. what yummy pps! love your creations!

  4. Wow, so beautiful! The LO is amazing...I love all the little details! I
    think I need to find some of those Webster's papers ASAP!

  5. Cute projects Anabelle! I have never had the opp to work with Webster's - my local LSS' don't carry it, but i hope that changes after CHA!

  6. Gorgeous work - love these and of course I love Websters!

  7. Stunning page and cards, Anabelle. You and Websters Pages are a perfect couple. :)

  8. Gorgeous projects, Anabelle! Love all of the wonderful details!

  9. Love your cards, Annabelle!!! They are all fabulous!

  10. Annabelle, I lost your email can you please email me at

  11. Oh yum, love what you did with the new line. I'm craving corn now, hehe. ;)

  12. i just love the card challenge going on at websters! yours a gorgeous and i love how you used the trim!

  13. What a beautiful page! Just love how you mixed all those "pretty" elements to make a fun, summery page!



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