Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More Tattered Angels

Today is Ryan's last day of Kindergarten. I can't believe it's over. While I'm looking forward to the slower pace of the summer, I'm so sad that he'll be starting school all day in September! They are still so young and the thought that we won't have our mornings to ourselves anymore and we won't be able to eat lunch together anymore makes me soooo sad. He doesn't even realize that his little life is going to change so much in a very short time....sigh.

so, onto more Tattered Angels projects. I created the background paper on this one by spritzing Latte and Sherbet over a Glimmer Screen. I also used one of the framed chipboard letters and some Zva crystals on it. The flowers are also Zva and have been spritzed with Glimmer Mist.

On this card, I used Rum Raisin on an old book page. I cut the circles out and attached them with a brad. The paper was stamped with PTI's Fancy Flourishes. The patterned Paper is Webster's.

Well, that's all for today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


jolly arora said...
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Ashley Cannon Newell said...

Beautiful! Your work is amazing!

cnelson said...

Such lovely work!! Hugs on your son's kindergarten graduation. It is hard to believe time flies so. My son just graduated from high school and it seems like only yesterday it was kindergarten. The feelings I have now are very similar to the feelings I had then, except maybe a little more so.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous work!!!! I can relate with you on the school thing. I will have one in 1st & one in Kindergarten next year. It makes me sad that they are getting so big!

Anonymous said...

More gorgeous work! I am in love with the lollipop flowers you created from the book pages. The subtle coloring is perfection!

Julie Overby said...

Beautiful projects Anabelle!!

This is such a hard time of year. Tomorrow will be my last day that I will have one at home and the other two off to school. Next year, all 3 will gone during the day. **sniff sniff**

Anonymous said...

Both card are so pretty!!! I love glimmer mist!!

Laina said...

Simply gorgeous work Anabelle!

Leslie Ashe said...

Hello sweet girl,
I just have to tell you over and over and over how you inspire me!

Gorgeous creations - just yum!
It's wild how fast time flies with our babies! Remember...I'm just an ear away! :D


Leigh Penner said...

Great cards, Anabelle!
I hear you about the school thing. Sage will be starting next year in kindergarten and she's been reassuring me: "It's okay, Mom. I'll have lunch with you and be home all afternoon." Sigh. If only she could stay four just a little longer...
I don't even want to think about grade 1!

Oxana said...

Boht card are beautiful!!!

Jenn said...

gorgeous work, Anabelle!

Raechelle Bellus said...

I can relate to how hard it is when your little one completes Kindergarten. It's such a huge milestone. (((hugs))) Your cards are stunning!

Unknown said...

beautiful cards, love them

ellen s. said...

i don't think i have the rum raisin. it looks beautiful and love the old book pages touch.

Kandis Smith said...

Such cute cards! It's hard when your kids grow up so fast!!