Thursday, June 18, 2009

Label Tulip

This month's Label Tulip kits are filled with awesome goodies. If you love Cosmo Cricket's Early Bird line and Jenni Bowlin, you won't be disappointed! The gallery was amazing this month.
Here are a few of my creations...

This first page was the page I made for this month's challenge to create something about a 'treat' or 'candy'. I love these pics of Ryan at Christmastime making the gingerbread house.

The story behind this next page is a sweet one. Ryan was having such a bad day. He was whining and crying all afternoon because he was having 'issues' with the little girl I watch. He even wrote us a note (which I taped to the back of the page.) After dinner, Fran took him out back so they could talk. I had to clandestinely take photos from an upstairs window. He looks so serious...

Finally, I made this card for Ryan's teacher. I love the mix of the Sassafrass Lass and Cosmo.

I'll be back later in the week to post the rest of my projects!
Thanks for stopping by. ;)


  1. I love the endearing "Daddy" layout. Terrific for this Father's Day! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. These are all gorgeous, but then again I always love your work. So much detail and "extras". Beautiful!

  3. such beautiful work Anabelle! love all the yummy goodies on "candy man" and the "needing daddy" just tugs on my heart sweet and precious! TFS!!

  4. Annabelle you are so inspiring. I absolutely LOVE the Sometimes you just need your daddy layout. What a fantastic memory to capture. I love it when we can scrapbook some ordinary events with so much heart behind them.

    I will post the Carne Asada recipe this week. It is WONDERFUL!!!

  5. Great pages and card! The colors of this kit are yummy for sure!

  6. Your Daddy/Son layout is what made me (yes MADE me) make my first purchase at Label Tulip! Aren't those moments just the sweetest part of life? Awesome job capturing and preserving it!

  7. This is such a fun line. The mixture of the 2 together is fab! I especially love the layout with your dh. That is so sweet.

  8. I agree -- Miss Anabelle, you are truly inspiring!!! I ADORE your creations!! LT sure knew what they were doing asking you to join the team! ;D

    I am amazed by your details.
    I must go back and look more!

    :D xoxo,

  9. These are beautiful I love the bright colors in the first layout and the sweet story in the next one. Awesome!

  10. just. so. inspiring.

    everytime I visit you, I just want to go create!!

  11. These are all so fun! I love the bright, happy colors!

  12. Gorgeous projects girl! LOVIN thos layouts!

  13. These are all gorgeous Annabelle! I just love your layouts. The detail and embellishing is always incredible.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)